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Very compelling sales letter. Now, let's see if he delivers.
Reps for the share and for the mirror.

@SEOking, not sure how that search string gets us to the OTO. Did you find it? What IS the OTO?
Thanks for the share
Short version, for those who don't want to bother watching 90 minutes of video: Go to Buy Sell Ads Dot Com and pay people to send out tweets for you.

That's it, really. Paid tweets. Paris Hilton will send a tweet to her twelve million followers for $4600.

Still Struggling To Get Paid From Your Videos?
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If you want to make more sales online there’s no better way to perk up a person’s audio and visual sensors than with video…
Everyday millions of videos go up on the internet – most with the intention of making money.
The problem… Most of those videos get little to no views.
Why? Because most of the information that people consume to learn how to drive traffic to their videos are either outdated or just bad. As a result most people just throw up their hands and shout “I give up!”
I’m here to encourage you not to throw in the towel just yet because I think I can help.
But before you read any further I need to know – Does Any of This Sound Familiar:
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Hi Friend,
My name is Derek Allen and yes… I know how hard it can be to run a successful video campaign. Over the last several years in my career I’ve created countless videos on Youtube and every other video sharing site on the internet. I’ve built my business on the foundation of video marketing which has allowed me to branch out into other areas of building online businesses.
Even though I am confident now that if I lost it all video marketing would help me get back on my feet, it wasn’t always that easy for me.
Because -
[Image: sp5-3.png]
I was just like anyone else starting out with video marketing (and probably just like you).
I would study constantly. I was on a constant hunt for niches, keywords, and offers. Spending many hours at night while my family was sleeping. I would listen to interviews of other people trying to find the “hidden gem” that made them successful so I could replicate their methods to make a better life for my family.
Finally, I did a total brain dump to create a video campaign that I just knew would work in the weight loss niche.
After I clicked the publish button…
[Image: sp6-2.png]
My video had the exact opposite effect. My heart was torn because I felt that I did everything the way everyone said to do it. It seemed hopeless. After weeks of waiting – the video had a total of 40 views or so if my memory serves my correctly. Most of those were actually me refreshing the page to see if anyone was watching. The hardest part for me was telling my wife that it didn’t work. All I talked about was how these videos were going to change my business. Luckily, she was very supportive and encouraged me to keep going. Thank goodness for supportive people.
After I was done “feeling bad for myself”, I sat down to figure out what I should have done differently. Maybe I missed a step somewhere…
Then something kinda clicked. I realized that I was facing the same problems that most video marketers face when getting started:
The Major Problems Most Video Marketers Face:
1) You think that Youtube is the only site out there to upload your videos. There are hundreds of sites that will accept your video, but most people only tell you to upload it to Youtube.
2) You think that the only place to get traffic is Google Or Facebook. Most people say to get your video ranked and share it on Facebook, this won’t result in the maximum amount of traffic possible. And traffic means sales!
3) You spend way too much time creating the “perfect” video. This is a big misconception because some of the most successful videos I’ve seen online were dog ugly. If you pump out a quick video, it may be ugly but can still get results.
4) You’re under the impression that you need to SEO all of your videos. The reality is that while SEO is good, free traffic is good, you don’t always need to use SEO on your videos or endure the long wait associated with it. There are quicker ways to get your video seen.
5) You ignore the hidden traffic getting goldmines. Most people only talk about the one or two places to get traffic. Nobody ever tells you about the other goldmines that our out there because they want to hoard these sources all to themselves.
That’s a lot of stuff that I was up against then. Maybe you are now.
In fact…
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After reading every blog post I could find, listening to every “video expert” I ran across and failing hard, I was getting ready to give up on video marketing altogether.
Then, Lady Luck stepped in and tapped me on the shoulder.
Up until this point I’ve never tried to promote a CPA offer with a video. I thought, “If I can’t get a person to go from my video to a email submit offer for something that everyone wants, I’ll never be able to do anything.”
That’s when I found a CPA offer for a $100 iTunes gift card. Everyone was going iTunes crazy and I figured this would work.
So I fired up my webcam and made a simple and ugly talking head video of me telling people about the offer and how to get it. I did some simple SEO to it and live it went.
I waited a few days to check my CPA account, to my surprise, I had made several conversions. My video had hundreds of views and was picked up and spread around on tons of other sites.
This was my first video that really took off and ended up making my thousands before the offer expired. I was hooked.
But I realized something… I was making it all way too hard.
I was too focused spreading my time and energy into things that didn’t even really matter. Instead of just doing – I was stuck nose deep in the research and technical aspects.
In short: The best way to learn is by doing…
So that’s what I did. I spent the next several weeks pumping out video after video. Some of them failed, but I was cool with it because my winners more than made up for the losers.
[Image: success-2.png]
That one small success spawned an entire obsession with me. It also made me realize that anyone truly can become a successful video marketer.
And after all these years of being the “go to video guy” for many people, I’ve been fortunate enough to help tons of folks understand that.
[Image: Untitled-9.png][Image: Untitled-10.png]
Even after all the great testimonials from all the people that I’ve helped, I still learn new things.
I still find new ways of using video to make a living and when I do I like to share them.
For example, I know that you probably want something that works fast and with less hassle. Heck, I did.
That’s why I figured out:
[Image: sp8-2.png]
All while ignoring all the “fluff features” that don’t really matter.
Through surveys of my subscribers and just general requests over the years, I’ve finally found what I believe is one of the easiest ways to make those quick “cash bursts” online today.
I’ve refined the process down to where:
[Image: Untitled-31.png]
Oh… and I almost forgot. This is FULLY SCALABLE!
When I figured out this process I quickly learned that I could run this once a week, once a month, or everyday of the week to make several hundred bucks at a time!
[Image: Untitled-32.png]
When I first discovered this new strategy I was jumping into new niches that I never imagined I could touch due to how competitive they were. Niches like weight loss, finance, personal development, techie stuff, and just about any other niche were now available at my finger tips and at the push of a couple of buttons. I could go after any market I wanted to. Then I remembered my struggle into video marketing and how I felt like I just couldn’t make it work for me.
That’s when I decided that I definitely needed to share this special strategy that I had developed with video marketers at any level of experience to finally make videos work.
[Image: logo-2.png]
This is a step-by-step documentation of the exact strategy that I use to profit from my videos without relying on the “major players” of search or social media.
Inside the members area you will learn:
The 4 Steps, yes just 4 steps, to set up a campaign and crush it with video marketing. As soon as you learn these 4 simple steps you’ll have the potential to crush it too with these easy to set up video campaigns without the headache of dealing with Youtube, Google, Troll comments or any of that other stuff you probably already know about.
Inside I Break It All Down Into 4 Easy To Follow Steps:
[Image: Untitled-13.png]
[Image: Untitled-12.png]
Yes… I did fail multiple times while refining this strategy. So considering all the time, effort and money I’ve dumped in this to refine my “Video Profit Net” strategy over the last 6 months I could easily charge $500 for this training and all the bonuses I’m including so you don’t have to fail over and over like I did. More on the bonuses soon.
But this wasn’t put together for all the people already making a ton of money with video. Even though people who are already making money can use this, this was created for my friends who are still struggling to profit from videos.
So don’t worry about price.
Because I put this together with the intention on getting it into the hands of struggling marketers, I’m actually going to let you inside for much less than it should be.
Actually, I’m going to let you inside for much less than the $500 price tag that it’s absolutely worth.
I’m going to let you see my entire strategy for much less than the $100 an hour cost that I charge people for my one-to-one coaching.
I’m going to put this in your hands for much less than similar courses charge ($197) and I’m going to teach you everything you need to know to get out there and start using this today in less than 2 hours.
But before we talk price…
[Image: Untitled-4.png]For Those That Act Fast I’m Also Including:
[Image: bonus-2.png]
[Image: Untitled-4-2.png]
You’re Getting My Video Marketing Fast Results Action Map:

Step One: Research Done Differently Value: $17
Step Two: The “Crusher” Set Up Value: $27
Step Three: The New Traffic Goldmine Value: $27
Step Four: The Next Steps Value: $9
Combined Value: $103
For those that act fast, you’re also getting:
Bonus #1: Local Video Maven Value: $97
Bonus #2: The Before They Watch Report Value: $17
For A Total Value of: $217.00
For me to coach you privately it would cost you at least $100/hr for me to spill my video marketing knowledge.
If you were to figure this strategy out on your own (like I did) it would cost you at least $4,000 in research time and countless hours of trial and error. And even if you were to spend that kind of money and time to figure this out, there are no guarantees that you’ll be able to refine it into an easy to follow process like I’m showing you in the training.
Plus, the value that the very few people I’ve taught this too have gotten out of this has been crazy. How nice would it be to be able to use this strategy to drive traffic to your videos knowing that you can rely on this over and over? How nice would it be to get paid to do this every time? What kind of value would that add to your business? To your life? To your family’s lives?
This is an evergreen strategy that will lasts for years, not weeks, not days, but YEARS. Unlike most “ground breaking” methods that seem like they disappear as soon as you get in, this is something you can pull out of your back pocket whenever you need it.
Fair warning: Due to the sensitive nature of this information, I can’t leave it up at the current price forever. I reserve the right to increase the price or completely remove this offer altogether. However, if I release this to the public don’t be surprised to see it going for $197 or more (even that’s a bargain).
But you won’t pay anything close to that today.
Because I want you to use this strategy to increase your business and because I want to collect more testimonials for my strategy when I sell it elsewhere, you can pick this up for the crazy low price listed below:
Grab “Video Profit Net” Now:
[Image: 39760]
[Image: Untitled-14.png]
This Offer Will Only Last 7 Days and I reserve the right to pull the offer and the bonuses at any time. Since this information is so sensitive we will pull the offer if we feel like more buyers put our early purchasers at risk.
This is not available for sale anywhere else and may never be sold again.
This is not a collected strategy made out of parts from other products. This is my own personal strategy so I want to make sure this is protected and used by responsible marketers.
I only know a handful of other people that know this specific technique. So when you purchase it PLEASE DO NOT SHARE IT… or even expect this sales page to be up if you come back.
[Image: Untitled-5.png]Here’s What You’re Getting:

The ‘Video Profit Net’ Strategy: $103.00 Value
The Bonuses: $114.00 Value
My limited time low price.

And My No Risk Guarantee.
Don’t hesitate another second because this offer won’t last long. Claim your spot now to lock in the lowest price because if someone buys before you the price will only go up.
Trust your gut on this one. Click the button below to buy now. You won’t regret taking action on this offer today.
Price Increases In:

Click the buy button below now:
[Image: 39760]
This is Derek Allen. Thank you for reading this letter.
I’m excited to hear about your results.
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Have any pre-purchase questions or concerns? Send me an email to:

P.S. Please don’t delay. You have nothing to lose by at least giving this an honest try. Plus, you’ll save a bundle if you pick this up today and start using it. Click the buy button and get started immediately.
P.P.S. If you don’t act on this today, nothing will change for you. If you are struggling to turn a profit from your videos I firmly believe this can help you if you get in today. Otherwise, you’ll wake up tomorrow with the same results you had today… Unless you act quick and click that little yellow button above to get started.

Sales Page

Magic Button :
Magic Button :

Magic Button :
Thanks for sharing
Any sign of the OTO ?
thanks. rep added +3
Anyone come across the 2 bonuses, i.e. Local Video Maven and Before They Watch?

They don't seem to be in the PDF files.
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