(03-06-2014 07:33 AM)Jerry5459 Wrote: [ -> ]To people like Patrick_Bateman, NonConformer, and StillStanding
I want to thank all of you for all your great posts and I hope you all continue posting such great files for us all.
Unfortunately, you are all so fast to criticize others WITHOUT knowing their circumstances. See I had an opportunity to join and fight for our country for a war everyone hated called Vietnam. I was blown out of a foxhole and regretted that the doctors didn't let me die. What people don't realize is what happens to us once we come home disabled. Our wives have a tenancy to leave us because they never signed on to take care of a crippled. Women don't want to date us because they also don't want to take care of a crippled. Most friends feel the same. Get the picture?
So we get disability pay that is never enough to live like a normal person and pay all the bills and most of us, like me don't have two cents to rub together let alone buy these programs like you and others do to share with everyone.
Many times I have to sit on the street corner tying to get spare change just to allow me to pay the bills and grossly expensive medicines that are either antidepressant pills or pain killers to help us from blowing our brains out if we really think about our situation for very long. If you have never had to do this, feel very lucky because it's the MOST humiliating thing that one can do is to beg for survival.
If your not buying these programs but finding them somehow I would love to know how so maybe I could share some programs like you all do.
I keep looking for something that a disabled person can do given my physical and mental disabilities and am continuously shocked at what crap people sell and get away with it. Hopefully that day will come at some point in time for me, but that's my problem.
For you all, I can only say that you are lucky that you live in the USA that you have the ability to make rude remarks to others with our free speech that we have here. I personally feel that many children, teens and adults commit suicide because of our free speech and the ability of so many to abuse others both personally and on the internet because they have the ability to hide behind their computer and be anonymous. For the children that do this, I blame their parents for they are the ones truly at fault.
Many times when I see comments as what you posted I can only wish that one day you could spend it in my shoes to find out how wrong you can be.
Why is it that so many people never learned to, "Treat others as you would like to be treated?"
Wow! This is one of the biggest treats to belonging to this forum!
Just when you think you’ve heard almost all the great bullshit stories, someone comes along with a real whopper!
Who you trying to kid dude?
You claim you are hopeless and helpless because you went to war – over 40-years ago?
Yet, somehow – through a work of magic – you manage to write not just one but
TWO fairly coherent – seemingly plausible posts. (Albeit with a few typos, misspellings and errors in grammar.)
And you see – this is where you are just a little too slick a lying hustler for your own good.
You see, largely what I do is sniff-out bullshit. Clients pay me good money to solve marketing and sales problems with my marketing expertise, content and copy.
So, much of what I do is sniff and stamp-out s.hit that either doesn’t work or has ZERO chance of succeeding.
Kinda like your “pity me” pitch here.
And I am da.mn good at it too! I can spot a pretender and whore from a contender and belle of the ball after just a few written or spoken sentences. Often just one paragraph is enough – it is ALL I need.
I don’t believe one f*cking word you wrote. What most of these guys (that are being overly nice) haven’t said is they don’t believe a word of your bullshit story either.
But me? I am nuts - I call a spade – a spade. If you’re a liar – I will call you out.
If you had the time to think of all that bullshit you posted – even if it took days – you could have read one of thousands of posts here about how to search for and find the stuff we all manage to find the time to research, find or buy – and post for sharing.
You don’t even have to use all those muscles between your ears to find these posts either. If nothing else, you could upload some f*cking 5-year-old useless PLR or MRR stuff that some members haven’t seen before.
Or let’s make it even easier. In 3-years, how is it possible you have not found and downloaded even one thing you could just take a few minutes to create a mirror for?
He.ll, let's make it even better - kindergarten-simple - you have not found anything you could REVIEW, so a member could save some time reading or using? (You can read, right?)
Doing either of the last two takes all the skill and brainpower of a gnat.
SO – to use brain damage for your lot in life after service in the military as a crutch for having done NOTHING in 3-years?!
Except perhaps totally f*ck-up your life?
Only a dumb a.sshole is going to believe that one.
And I am 100% as.shole – just not a dumb one.
I may miss a few things every so often, but taking all the time you took to write your “pity me” story – rather than taking even modest action to help the newbies and even the experienced IMers here?
I am just not THAT dumb an a.sshole – at least not yet.
But here is a bigger point:
In 3-years, you have not managed to find
ANYTHING to help yourself with? Not one course, ebook, product, software or any other f*cking thing here that you have leeched has been worth taking action?!
H.ell, you could have written $2 articles for one of the article mills! At least that would have been something.
So let me give you some A,B,C type information:
I have counseled vets before – still do it occasionally today. My brother-in-law was a Vietnam vet, and I have friends who served in the gulf wars.
Collectively, the lot of them are not a big a f*ckup as you are – and a few of them are pretty messed-up.
You are an insult to everything a
real vet stands for.
I know all about street people and panhandling. You can make f*cking bunches of money holding-out your plastic cup on busy street corners. It is perfect for those that want to be “off the grid” and make e-a-s-y money off the sympathy of the unknowing.
S.hit, I know a pair of brothers that are Panhandling GODS. These guys make $600 on a decent Saturday, and never leave the parking lot of just ONE Walmart!
So, here is just one more thing that baffles me - How did you manage to find the PC you typed your posts on? How did you even find this forum?
Even that takes just a little skill.
So, you’re 200% full of sh.it!
Feel like blowing your brains out?
Just PM me and tell me where to send the weapon.