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want to try this software :)
(02-01-2014 04:27 PM)distro911 Wrote: [ -> ]want to try this software :)
Did you read the OPs first post? It says no Leechers. You are a number one Leecher since 2012. Get some +Rep Dood, then make requests. No one likes a leecher.
I too would love to test this out!

Please let me know!

I would also like to test out your software please.

Please let me know

ok guys check this out another run with shit proxies and here we are, you be the judge not me Smile

if you go to first post this was the first image i posted

before 15 impression | 17 clicks
[Image: m9wu3a.jpg]

and todays results , after trying with bad proxies ,
107 impression | 46 clicks
[Image: 35k7le8.jpg]

please give me feed what you think you be my judge also tell me if there is anything in your mind to help me get idieas i want to put much stuff on tool as possible before release Smile

omg all my other sites got hits to wahahhaha
+rep added... Cool
hope..i get a chance to try it.. Welcome
where is the download link buddy
this tool is on the way , i am programming multi same time but it will be done,it isnt going anywere it will not be bann so enjoy and chill be patient little yeh
id love to test it also!
dam lol you all will be happy why!!!!! i just checked today yeh
the other day i ran the tool for 15 minuites yeh and the stopped it i didnt monitor the tool , for my new site i made i got my self 80 clicks on 1 keyword and other one 40 impression rate high;)) you all will be happy because i am dam
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