03-05-2014, 06:36 AM
(01-31-2014 06:44 PM)jbrown63 Wrote: [ -> ]What's the point using this particular program?Vouch on mindjet. Easy stuff but effective.
There are several free alternatives, and then there is the market leader (Mindjet) available for free on the web too...
Cheers, Johnny63
In addition, you could also use "FreeMind" (free solution)
Another easy way to do mind mapping is to use a pen and paper. Yes, PEN and PAPER. In fact, if you are new to mindmaps, use this method first to get yourself familiarize with the whole mind mapping because you may spend way too much time playing around with these software.
As one of the previous users suggested, start using mindmaps. You will save a lot of time. Happy hunting.