01-30-2014, 01:13 AM
hey hey hey first of all i wanted to say thanks to this community and to you all,
i have receive tremendous value from this website and i know i know i have receive alot
so i think is my time to contribute to this forum as well right?
so guys about the social traffic storm you need to register and create an account there since it's online website.
here the link for the page to register[hide]http://socialtrafficstorm.co/wishlist-member/?reg=1390385630[/hide]
i don't know how to hide the link and i didn't want to hyperlink it because i don't know if the trace it back and find a way not to get access sooooooooo copy the link into your browser and create the account.....
again here the link in case you miss it [hide]http://socialtrafficstorm.co/wishlist-member/?reg=1390385630[/hide]
have fun :)
oh and please if you want repp me because i have sooooooooooo little reps!
update, the link forward into the sales page but DO NOT WORRY i have covered you :)
i create a new account for my fellow blackhat members.
do not change the name or the pass because i don't know if i am able to create a new one
i have receive tremendous value from this website and i know i know i have receive alot
so i think is my time to contribute to this forum as well right?
so guys about the social traffic storm you need to register and create an account there since it's online website.
here the link for the page to register[hide]http://socialtrafficstorm.co/wishlist-member/?reg=1390385630[/hide]
i don't know how to hide the link and i didn't want to hyperlink it because i don't know if the trace it back and find a way not to get access sooooooooo copy the link into your browser and create the account.....
again here the link in case you miss it [hide]http://socialtrafficstorm.co/wishlist-member/?reg=1390385630[/hide]
have fun :)
oh and please if you want repp me because i have sooooooooooo little reps!
update, the link forward into the sales page but DO NOT WORRY i have covered you :)
i create a new account for my fellow blackhat members.
do not change the name or the pass because i don't know if i am able to create a new one