let's do Group Buy
10 members each pay $5
5 members each pay $10
This is the awesome course price goes up after February 7th.....
count me in
I will join the GB for $5
I'm in for $5 - $10. Let me know who's in charge of the gb.
I will throw in 5. I am sure it is going to suck though. I have gone through just about every facebook course on bbhf and thevault and most are TERRRIBLE. Jon Loomer's was good and this one I am watching now with Chad H is good.
Brittany Lynch, Amy Portsfeld. Wack.
I would bang Brittany Lynch though.
Hi guys , it was just yesterday again on 47 $ but now 97 $ ( does any one want to sale it to me for 5 $ ? Please PM. Tnx.
come'on guys,
can anyone share this?
im in for 5 groupbuy pm me with details
cannt pm me bc my inbox s full with 5 emails...why the F is my inbox full with just 5 emails??? can someone explain the rules to this site? do i have to pay to increase my inbox storage?? anyway email me at gfs322 at yahoo com