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hello guys , i need some help here .
go to my site
and go to any book and you will know the problem ,

this script should install in the root directly ,but i don't wanna to install it in the root so can anyone change .htaccess for me .
you need to change the File_directory.

go into site setting. then you will find URL at the top make sure URL is Http:// then file directory is /Folder/

then go to the bottom of the page and edit the FTP/folder/folder TO FTP/www/folder/filedata/

you dont need to change the .htaccess Files with this script for sub domains or sub root folders.

p.s if anyone else needs any extra help PM me i don't want to intrude on someone else Thread.

I have worked with this script for a long time and edited it to do different things like recipe website's
Thanks for this great share!
Thanks for this action

(02-01-2014 06:46 AM)trgwan_2006 Wrote: [ -> ]hello guys , i need some help here .
go to my site
and go to any book and you will know the problem ,

this script should install in the root directly ,but i don't wanna to install it in the root so can anyone change .htaccess for me .
The requested URL /b/ was not found on this server
Thanks for this Flipped, it's Much Appreciated : )

Been looking at it for 2 weeks now. Hope it does what I want it to, if so

then it's bought : )

+Rep's for your share!

- BestBlackHatForumMember
Thanks for share :)
any idea how to desactivate the captcha code for registration ?
You are Great Bro
Great Share Bro
File manager is not work
Appreciate all the responses and positive feedback.
Thanks boys and girls!
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