is it working?
well i've installed the previous version, but when i want to send a message, the "next" button doesn't work!!
please if it's working for you, just inform me!
Thanks in advance!
Its working for me.Try it.
is bounce proces working?
In my version script can not login and process it.
Can you check it?
Upload it from ftp and then go to the installation link then make a database and a admin mail set it in control panel then it will work.
rrafi24 - You are missing the point and the whole reason why novak asked about the bounce processing. Not everybody is an idiot, some people DO know how to manually upload via FTP and create databases and users in cpanel, and work their way around phpMyAdmin...
The version of Interspire 6.1.4 that was shared by some fag that thought it would be cool to put "Hairyspire" all over the d*** thing, does NOT work properly! I have used Interspire for like 5 years, I know how to use it and use it very well. I even have made a mod of 6.1.2 to include tons of customizations.
Novak asked because because the previously shared 6.1.4 would fail when attempting to login to the email account while setting up the bounce processing. You enter in your bounce email, host, ect ect.. and when you hit the test button it shows the popup overlay but doesnt do anything, the progress bar stays at the beginning and even after an hour its still there.
Also, this prior nulled 6.1.4 (Hairyspire bullshit version) would keep failing to send the full campaign. I would send to my 60k list and it maybe if I was lucky got halfway through.. So i tried a smaller 10k list, same thing.. Even set limits to 2k/hr and unlimited.. So it has problems sending... and no, it isnt my server.. I can send to my 60k list in like 2 hours without it failing, so it IS for a fact Interspire.. I dunno if its just the new versions suck, or if the "nuller" didn't know what he was doing.. while it appears to work, and some smaller campaigns may work properly, larger campaigns fail. You see the red flag next to the campaign with the option to resend it. - I have also had this problem on 6.1.3 if I remember correctly, so maybe Interspire changed something for the worse.
6.1.2 in my opinion, has the best and smoothest emailing. It goes the fastest, pretty close to your limits (if you have one set), and I have never had it fail to send mid-way though sending. So those who are having problems, find 6.1.2 nulled and use it instead. Just dont use the triggers (read further to see why).
I have a good 6.1.2 nulled copy (which is from what like 2012 lol), and used a Diff program to compare the differences between that copy and the new 6.1.4 versions. So I could see what files were changed, and exactly what in them was changed. I took some of the bits from those new updates in 6.1.4 and put them into my 6.1.2... The reason why is because in 6.1.2, the triggers are broken! If you setup a trigger, say "if they open this email, then move them to ListB and remove them from this list".. it actually just deletes them lmao! There is an error with it trying to put them into the new list, but it still deletes them completely! plus, theres a few other bug fixes. You can see them on the Interspire forum, they show the changelog of what issues were fixed..
So this is why the questions about this version, and to answer them you would need to know what was wrong with the last "nulled" version of 6.1.4. I think the guy that nulled 6.1.4 (the hairyspire bullshit) messed up when nulling it.
I would have nulled it myself and shared it here a long time ago, but nobody here wanted to help me out when I needed it. I created a thread asking for someone to send me the original files for 6.1.4.
- OP I would still like to have the original files if you can send them to me (PM me) please. Nothing against your share. I dont know if this is the same hairyspire version and your "re-sharing" it, or if you actually nulled this yourself, or found it online..? but if you did this yourself then you should have the original files. I want to null it myself, then give it a few test runs, and see if I want to run this or stick with my 6.1.2. I would rather upgrade to the latest version, but not when the new versions don't work worth a shit.
PS: Since Interspire can't put out a new release without bugs and issues
PPS: If this 6.1.4 doesnt work right either, then I may share my fixed 6.1.2 version. I wont share my custom mods, but I will share basically 6.1.2 with the fixes of 6.1.3+6.1.4.
(01-29-2014 10:35 PM)CyberPunk Wrote: [ -> ]rrafi24 - You are missing the point and the whole reason why novak asked about the bounce processing. Not everybody is an idiot, some people DO know how to manually upload via FTP and create databases and users in cpanel, and work their way around phpMyAdmin...
The version of Interspire 6.1.4 that was shared by some fag that thought it would be cool to put "Hairyspire" all over the d*** thing, does NOT work properly! I have used Interspire for like 5 years, I know how to use it and use it very well. I even have made a mod of 6.1.2 to include tons of customizations.
Novak asked because because the previously shared 6.1.4 would fail when attempting to login to the email account while setting up the bounce processing. You enter in your bounce email, host, ect ect.. and when you hit the test button it shows the popup overlay but doesnt do anything, the progress bar stays at the beginning and even after an hour its still there.
Also, this prior nulled 6.1.4 (Hairyspire bullshit version) would keep failing to send the full campaign. I would send to my 60k list and it maybe if I was lucky got halfway through.. So i tried a smaller 10k list, same thing.. Even set limits to 2k/hr and unlimited.. So it has problems sending... and no, it isnt my server.. I can send to my 60k list in like 2 hours without it failing, so it IS for a fact Interspire.. I dunno if its just the new versions s****, or if the "nuller" didn't know what he was doing.. while it appears to work, and some smaller campaigns may work properly, larger campaigns fail. You see the red flag next to the campaign with the option to resend it. - I have also had this problem on 6.1.3 if I remember correctly, so maybe Interspire changed something for the worse.
6.1.2 in my opinion, has the best and smoothest emailing. It goes the fastest, pretty close to your limits (if you have one set), and I have never had it fail to send mid-way though sending. So those who are having problems, find 6.1.2 nulled and use it instead. Just dont use the triggers (read further to see why).
I have a good 6.1.2 nulled copy (which is from what like 2012 lol), and used a Diff program to compare the differences between that copy and the new 6.1.4 versions. So I could see what files were changed, and exactly what in them was changed. I took some of the bits from those new updates in 6.1.4 and put them into my 6.1.2... The reason why is because in 6.1.2, the triggers are broken! If you setup a trigger, say "if they open this email, then move them to ListB and remove them from this list".. it actually just deletes them lmao! There is an error with it trying to put them into the new list, but it still deletes them completely! plus, theres a few other bug fixes. You can see them on the Interspire forum, they show the changelog of what issues were fixed..
So this is why the questions about this version, and to answer them you would need to know what was wrong with the last "nulled" version of 6.1.4. I think the guy that nulled 6.1.4 (the hairyspire bullshit) messed up when nulling it.
I would have nulled it myself and shared it here a long time ago, but nobody here wanted to help me out when I needed it. I created a thread asking for someone to send me the original files for 6.1.4.
- OP I would still like to have the original files if you can send them to me (PM me) please. Nothing against your share. I dont know if this is the same hairyspire version and your "re-sharing" it, or if you actually nulled this yourself, or found it online..? but if you did this yourself then you should have the original files. I want to null it myself, then give it a few test runs, and see if I want to run this or stick with my 6.1.2. I would rather upgrade to the latest version, but not when the new versions don't work worth a S***.
PS: Since Interspire can't put out a new release without bugs and issues
PPS: If this 6.1.4 doesnt work right either, then I may share my fixed 6.1.2 version. I wont share my custom mods, but I will share basically 6.1.2 with the fixes of 6.1.3+6.1.4.
Yes please Cyber please share the 6.12 interspire version i really need it!

Cyber can you please share the 6.12, Reps and Thank will be added
I need to test the triggers out. Since I don't want to release all my custom stuff public, and some of them most people wouldnt want as its specific to my needs.. So I took a fresh 6.1.2 (the same one I use, only before my changes) and have just merged the changes between 6.1.2 and 6.1.4 (this includes the fixes on the changelog for 6.1.3 also). I believe the triggers glitch was fixed in 6.1.3.
I don't know why taking 6.1.2 and just copying over most of the differences between it and 6.1.4, allows it to work properly where the real 6.1.4 doesn't.. The only thing I can think, is that the guy who did the Hairyspire 6.1.4 version messed up nulling it. I am not saying the OP here did not null this himself, if he did null it from a fresh copy then those things may work. I do foresee some skids taking the "Hairyspire" nulled version, and just replacing "Hairyspire" back with "Interspire" and replacing the original logo (from a previous version), and releasing it as a new nulled copy. When in reality, its just the same as the "Hairyspire" crap. Hopefully the OP here did not do that. I can understand someone doing it to save others time, but at least say that is what you did.
I am saddened by the scene that nobody has really nulled this, and the only source available is the broken Hairyspire version. I would gladly null it if someone provided the original files to me.
I will post a thread once I can run a few tests with this 6.1.2 (with fixes of 6.1.4).