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Full Version: [NEED NULL] Social Locker V2.2.4
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Social Locker V2.2.4

Can someone NULL this this plugin for BBHF Family members.



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A +REP as a Thank you is always Welcome!
Bummmppp Bummppppp
bump this thread
I found the activation text but when I upload plugin there is a missing directory error or the like.
Bump !

All links r dead.. Make more mirrors and then request your null request @

then wait as i also want this nulled
Well i looked at the plugin briefly and i have a proposal for you to test it and tell me if it works or not...go to and download the free version of the plugin install it on your website then go to your wordpress dashboard and choose Social Lockers->License Manager there is an option of a 7 days trial version activate it which then asks you to go to plugins page and update the Social Locker plugin to the the 7 day premium version then go to your cPanel,Plesek,etc.. and edit your wordpress database and choose wp_options table then look for option_name
onp_license_sociallocker-next edit the option_value of that field where it says something like a:8:{s:3:"Key";s:36:"db02031a-f5fe-4395-8287-9c4981b94f07";s:9:"KeySecret";s:32:"b0895efe11ee4f6cb53c0066fe37fde1";s:5:"Title";s:12:"Trial
7 Days";s:11:"Description";s:165:"This is a trial license to test the
full-featured plugin during 7 days. We hope you will enjoy it. Feel free to contact us if you have any
questions or need
change the value in red only to something like 9999999999 and i assume now the installation should last forever, the only test would be to wait 7 days and see if it still works as a premium or not...Enjoy if it works.

Latest version is 3.4.1 need it.
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