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Full Version: WARNING TO ALL LEECHERS and NEWBIES! (Passwords and Mirrors)
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I am guilty of this as well. I should contribute more. I'll pick up the pace. Sorry to hear NonConformer won't be uploading to the public anymore. I guess I'll have to join the VIP at some point. I do read a lot and dl a lot on this forum. I have benefited greatly from everyone's contributions. Thanks to NonConformer for great work and to all of you that have made my life better through your contributions.
Great Thread explaining how to create mirrors. I found it very informative and will subscribe to the thread it as I plan to use this info to help with my contributions in the future
so newbies cant views new post?
I for one, did not understand why we needed to make a mirror... or what the heck it meant, until I got to this post. This is a whole new world to me. I am from the paper and ink age. There is a lot of information here , so I just read about how things work here a little at a time.

I did buy a VIP membership, that process in of it self was rather odd. As it took over a week to get a response via email. There is no formal order page.

SO remember folks... don't say "stupid idiot"... say "here let me help you" ... then you can say "stupid idiot" after they refuse help!

Leechers are at all different stages. Some are bad, some are good, some just started , some have been around a long time, but perhaps only come once in awhile... some just do not know how the ropes are pulled.


Anyway that is my take.
The reason it's not simple to gain VIP access is to keep the riff-Raff out.

The tutorial section has threads to help noobs out or ask around for help. There are lots of people here willing to help fellow members out.
(01-27-2014 04:53 AM)NonConformer Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-27-2014 04:47 AM)chrisuren Wrote: [ -> ]Done. Out of interest, how much is VIP membership here?
Thanks, I'm actually going to append that to the first post.

Ya hear that noobs, here comes the spoon. Undecided

i am a newbie and i dont get the point of your rant. move your file to the VIP section if you want to. Meanwhile i love this site.awesome!
(07-10-2015 09:44 PM)topdog41 Wrote: [ -> ]i am a newbie and i dont get the point of your rant. move your file to the VIP section if you want to. Meanwhile i love this site.awesome!
Good for you.
(04-30-2015 12:59 PM)Bepi Wrote: [ -> ]don't say "stupid idiot"... say "here let me help you" ... then you can say "stupid idiot" after they refuse help

True words, none truer ever spoken. We need live our lives to this!
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