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Full Version: Get 28 718 US Business Calling Leads
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US Business Calling Leads 2014

The list will be sent as a ZIP archive file.

The archive file contains the following files:

- About.txt [This file]

- Sample_Database_Screenshot.jpg [A sample of the list as seen in the original database]

- US_Business_Calling_Leads_2014.csv [The list in CSV (Comma Separated
Values) format which can be opened with any text editor, any spreadsheet
program and can be imported into most database servers using a database
management software]

- US_Business_Calling_Leads_2014.ods [The list in ODS [OpenDocument
Spreadsheet] format which can be opened with Open Office's Spreadsheet

The calling leads list contains a total of 28,718 US businesses.

For each business you will get the following info, exactly in this order:

id, contact_name, business_name, business_phone

The list is exported from a MySQL tabel. The "contact_name" column is
the name of the person you will be contacting when calling the business

Sample screenshot from the MySQL table view: [Image: Sample_Database_Screenshot.jpg]

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Im interested, How much is your leads?

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