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Visiondark don't cry where are here to help each other
Take it as a joke Smile
Thanks 7search and Jamzman! Reps to both of you for this cool share.
thanks alot
@Jamzman - "cleaning the script = remove send back requests + viruses + malfunctions + patching problems ...." - sorry mate but is the mirrir you loaded nulled or not nulled? If not, can explain for this non-tech type how to clean as above? thanks man. repped too +OP
(01-26-2014 03:13 PM)internetter Wrote: [ -> ]@Jamzman - "cleaning the script = remove send back requests + viruses + malfunctions + patching problems ...." - sorry mate but is the mirrir you loaded nulled or not nulled? If not, can explain for this non-tech type how to clean as above? thanks man. repped too +OP
Some scripts have been coded to give a notice about your site to the owner if you use a nulled script, viruses infection (this script is personally updated and its based on original files ) no infection in this script, malfunctions means the script can have some non working option in it so you can't fully use the script, patching problems means correcting any malfunction detected into the script.

Request back or script feed back = not checked.
Viruses = checked ( it the original files no infections in them)
Malfunctions = checked
Patching Malfunctions = no malfunction found

These are the basic checking, some other checks are advanced like encoded shells, incorrect includes ( i'm not responsible of this cause it's the mistakes of the original programmer ) maybe some hackers code some include spots (its very rare) ...

Lot of thing that i can't include here because its to long to explain, if you use nulled script take your own risk, buy them to support the developer and at lease understand how BBHF contributors wasting their time to give you freebies and reducing the time and money gap for your favor, so a thank or a rep at least its a kind of symbolic support for the contribute.

Good night, this is my last reply today :)
version 1.3.8 is up... Any new updates?
i'll try to get it if possible
The plugin now contains an auto-update function.
As far as I've seen in the package downloaded from the update location, we're stil at 1.3.7.

You might download this package and compare agains the nulled version to be able to null newer versions too.

Cheers, Johnny63
Ok just checking with this thread @7search...
He change the line that launch the update so his server will check if you got that line in script if not you wouldn't get updated.
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