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Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 22

Not Found

The requested URL /feedback.html was not found on this server.
(01-26-2014 04:29 AM)brinx Wrote: [ -> ]ERROR: License key does not belong to this domain! Please visit http://SocialExchangeShop.Com!

It keep saying this when i click to "Facebook Fanpages" What to do Please Help me !!!

go to plugin/fb/echange.php and delete this line
} ELSE if ($checkkey) {die("<div class='error'>ERROR: License key does not belong to this domain! Please visit http://SocialExchangeShop.Com!</div>"); and fb will work fine dont forget add rep ;)
(01-26-2014 06:46 AM)ramosadams Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-26-2014 04:29 AM)brinx Wrote: [ -> ]ERROR: License key does not belong to this domain! Please visit http://SocialExchangeShop.Com!

It keep saying this when i click to "Facebook Fanpages" What to do Please Help me !!!

go to plugin/fb/echange.php and delete this line
} ELSE if ($checkkey) {die("
ERROR: License key does not belong to this domain! Please visit http://SocialExchangeShop.Com!"); and fb will work fine dont forget add rep ;)
Thank you +1 from me :)
I just dont understand what is combinet from PES PRO?
Just the themes/pes folder ? This is only social swapper as i see
Thanks for customize social swapper script .
I have made some modification to it and add some exta modules such as
2)paid to promote
3)paid to do task
4)seo keyword link
5)offer walls
6)banner exchange

see demo at: http:// followlikehub . com

mobile demo : http://m. followlikehub . com

Coming Soon Modules
  1. FB Photo share
  2. FB Photo comment
  3. FB post share
  4. FB post like
  5. FB post comment
  6. and many more

Hello Friends This is a Mobile Theme For Social swapper for android users

Demo:http:// followlikehub . com/

[Image: cEWBJ.jpg] [Image: jIOWT.jpg]

[Image: HcMlZ.jpg] [Image: YXSm.jpg] [Image: mrC4H.jpg] [Image: WIglj.jpg]

This theme works on android device only
To see demo visit below site on your android device
Demo:http://followlikehub . com

If You find anything is not working properly, any bugs please let me know
mobile demo : http:// m. followlikehub . com

Then i will fix bugs and share theme and scripts.
(01-27-2014 01:21 PM)mahajob13 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for customize social swapper script .
I have made some modification to it and add some exta modules such as
2)paid to promote
3)paid to do task
4)seo keyword link
5)offer walls
6)banner exchange
see demo at: http://>>>[[[Reported by Members as self-promotion. Please post the actual direct link!]]]<<<
Can u send me your customized script that is in http://>>>[[[Reported by Members as self-promotion. Please post the actual direct link!]]]<<< Blush
Building social swapper script from the ground ,repairing,plugins,callbacks,adding extra modules,frontage,Designs,Admin layout,etc...
Keep an eye...
Site under construction
see demo at:
Comming to the site:
extra social modules
Mobile app for all mobile devices.
Leave your comments and ideas
Doesnt anyone,how to fix this bug
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/admefast/public_html/config.php on line 22
Hi There,

I tried Changing the theme to your theme but i get an error

It is changing to .html instead of .php so it resorts to ERROR .

Example account.html / welcome.html

but there is not welcome.html on file.

How can i fix this

Thank you in advance
Download link not working please chek :(
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