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Full Version: [CRACK REQ] VIPORspy! - Great product!
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Can someone crack WP viperspy original version. This wp plugin is really cool in that it records a copy of all user actions and allows you to see exactly what your visitors do on your website. I have a copy of the original it works really good but it's a licensed product. The guys that make it decided to close down their website and and therefore stop their original buyers from installing it onto additional websites in an attempt to force them to buy into their $49 dollar monthly service. This product needs to be cracked. If you think you have the skills for this, contact me and I will give you an original copy to CRACK IT.
I would do it myself but I'm still learning the art.

This is old tools, here is matt callen tool called visitorspy
more info here

You can see visitor flow on google analytics but not actually see a video.

Viper Spy Software info located here.

Send it over i could take a look at it.
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