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Full Version: Leechers?
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Please respond to Poll for some fun stats. Tongue
Hi Polly72,
I voted Neutral because I am not sure- you could have elaborated a bit. Your Canadian - I wanna go but is too cold!

My thinking is like this: Define Leacher. behind scenes they are not all bad people. And many VIP are not better. So I voted Neutral.

So thank you Polly72, you got some people thinking about this one! BBF members better respond to this here! Don't make me break out ole Bobby's Bob!!!!!! I will if you ole bass tards keep leaching!!
* yawn *
i voted neutral because they just want a little, just a little tiny push to motivate them to participate and share.
I'm neutral. I have been quietly lurking this forum for downloads in for years off and on (long spurts)without having to sign up. Whoever created this forum knows the term "long term value" well.
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