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Full Version: Why i hate leechers ?
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well agree of it, same like parsibagan they even dare to PM's and ask for password. Mostly i just ignored it and did not give it out. Would like them to participated and look around the forum and get the password them self. Many ppl just hit and run, that is the problem in this forum and lately i just give up on uploading back the file i share if the link is dead because no one is making mirrors.
The nerve of some people these days. They think they are entitled to something.
I dont want to be a leecher, but I cant supply resources...
(07-11-2014 09:31 PM)DAEDAE Wrote: [ -> ]I dont want to be a leecher, but I cant supply resources...
You can supply mirrors.
This is my first post in this forum
I can assure that I will never be a leecher
(01-23-2014 11:16 AM)Jamzman AKA Shurikn Wrote: [ -> ]
First of all, thanks to all loyal members of this forum :)

Now why i will waste one or two hours, to fulfill all requests made by our members then i will find out that these two hours are wasted on many non loyal members whom they don't even feel ashamed to leave a thanks for the OP, if i waste two hours to make 100$ to 1000$ why i be bothered, its better to me than to waste it on shameless members whom they think we owe them anything they are wrong, we just do that because its the best place we had make a start from, its like a family a home that makes you feel safe, if this forum wasn't in reality you will waste at least a year or two even your hard earning to those predators, whom are non knowledgeable or even they don't know the basics of marketing, and they make a lot of useless non sense products and courses to attract you into digging gold from your newbie mind, and make you dream about fast richness, now isn't our topic, but its the main fact which this forum is built for, make sure at least to appreciate the effort, even here they give you a free VIP by trying to be a reviewer or sharing person, mirror refresher and many more, as the written under the forums logo, "Come as guests, stay as one family"

Please help this place cause is the only place where you will find your starting point as soon as possible :)
Totally agree, I am making some decent money now and its all thanks to this place. Before I came here, I was spending money on useless junk being sold as WSO's, but once I was here, I could differentiate between what was total junk, what was lesser junk and what was gold and silver.

And you need not worry about the leechers mate.....they may steal but they are also the ones who never take any action and never make any money. If they are making money and doing the work then they know how valuable this place is and how hard it is for everyone to share what gets shared here.

So you need not worry about the no action best they will gain some reps by stealing from here and posting elsewhere but nothing else ;)
(07-12-2014 02:31 AM)NonConformer Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-11-2014 09:31 PM)DAEDAE Wrote: [ -> ]I dont want to be a leecher, but I cant supply resources...
You can supply mirrors.
Even leaving a few words of appreciation and giving positive reps where its due is considered a contribution
I found this forum quite by accident as I belong to another forum (yes, you may throw wet noodles at me) but I've posted just about everything I have over there. Now I have nothing to post over here. Loyalty to forums is necessary. I'm a VIP over there. Newbie here.

But I'm not gonna double post my products, that's not fair to the other family. So I feel like I have a set of two places I enjoy. The best I can hope for here is to share advice, coupons, whatever I find to give back.

I found you second, but I won't leech on either. That's just messed up on so many levels. I just posted a couple of solid new, unlaunched WSO products over there. I am a bit lost to know what to post. But I will try. Thank you for having me.
(01-23-2014 11:16 AM)Jamzman AKA Shurikn Wrote: [ -> ]
First of all, thanks to all loyal members of this forum :)

Now why i will waste one or two hours, to fulfill all requests made by our members then i will find out that these two hours are wasted on many non loyal members whom they don't even feel ashamed to leave a thanks for the OP, if i waste two hours to make 100$ to 1000$ why i be bothered, its better to me than to waste it on shameless members whom they think we owe them anything they are wrong, we just do that because its the best place we had make a start from, its like a family a home that makes you feel safe, if this forum wasn't in reality you will waste at least a year or two even your hard earning to those predators, whom are non knowledgeable or even they don't know the basics of marketing, and they make a lot of useless non sense products and courses to attract you into digging gold from your newbie mind, and make you dream about fast richness, now isn't our topic, but its the main fact which this forum is built for, make sure at least to appreciate the effort, even here they give you a free VIP by trying to be a reviewer or sharing person, mirror refresher and many more, as the written under the forums logo, "Come as guests, stay as one family"

Please help this place cause is the only place where you will find your starting point as soon as possible :)
I stand by you man Smile
let's the good time roll in this family

peace Cool
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