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Full Version: [free] WSO-- Adsense Revelation HOT HOT
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You have been misled.

I’m sorry to have to break it to you, but it’s true.

If you have seen keyword tools reporting Adsense Cost Per Click (CPC’s) of $30, $50, $100, or more, you have been misled.

If you have seen lists of ultra high-paying keywords, you have been misled.

If you have been led to believe that the keyword tools' CPC was related in any way to the earnings for those keywords on your site, you have been misled.

If Google were really paying out $100+ per click, we’d all be rich by now!


the file too large any reviews?
ITS LIKE 48 MB thats big>?
It not too large for me ! i have it now .Thanks for this good share .
great share..thanks
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