Hi Leith, It does not work for me, your 1st Senuke crack did, but this one gives me a handling error.
I will check out soon. But other than that error can it work?
Hi Leith, 2 small windows pop up simultaneously, 1 Handling Error, 2 Login Verify, the Login Verify never completes. just keeps spinning, so nothing happens.
It is perfectly working for me after clicking on the verify button. I don't find any error or any problem at all. I just checked.
Good work Leith good to see someone realy used cyberpunk tut and give him credit +5 to yo bro
Hi Leith, tried again, yet same problems, 2 small windows pop up simultaneously, 1 Handling Error, 2 Login Verify, the Login Verify never completes. just keeps spinning, so nothing happens. I will wait for the next update, thank you for your time, and cleverness :)
hey, i have your previous crack, it worked well. but this one doesn`t work, i hope you will fix it and re upload again. thanks
It works for me... here is the screenshot....
![[Image: proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F2.bp.blogspot.com...=image%2F*]](https://images-blogger-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F2.bp.blogspot.com%2F-khLZfgzpQTU%2FUuKYNhzhPRI%2FAAAAAAAAAzM%2FxIlMZs-5YYE%2Fs1600%2F1.jpg&container=blogger&gadget=a&rewriteMime=image%2F*)
Much appreciated Leith, +3 Rep given as per SOP with true brothers of BBHF.