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Pages: 1 2
(02-16-2014 04:41 PM)dandyrandy Wrote: [ -> ]What the hell is the point of sharing a damned pro or developer version, and providing the key code, if entering it in the required area, WON'T ACTIVATE PRO OR DEVELOPER VERSION WITHOUT EMAIL ADDRESS...

Joker likes to play games with multiple threads, sharing and pulling the same crap, over and over again, to boost his rep count, with a worthless share. It's the basic free version, without the email address, so quit calling it pro or developer version.

The fact that he's done this repeatedly, playing games with the members, and acting foolish, qualifies for a banning move, if you ask me.
I agree, this is b.s.!
(01-22-2014 03:40 PM)m45741314574 Wrote: [ -> ]there is no problem with an ego massage but there is a problem with your share method.

1. there is no point or value in getting 4 pages worth of meaningless bumps, you are just wasting space and bandwidth on the forum.
2 . you are giving the license details to the entire public so it will get banned soon.

this means that the entire thread will be a waste because the license will be disabled by the time we get to page 4.

please remove the license and request rep in exchange for giving license details via PM if you really need the "ego massage".

this will make the license last longer.
Tried to delete this mistaken 2nd post, for some reason the forum software will not let me.
If i understand right the password will be given in post #4 right?
Why is there no -1 rep? :D
Pages: 1 2
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