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"Now you too can use the 9 elite tactics that reach into your prospects' brains and flip all the switches labeled 'Buy'...

This is how you'll run your first six-figure launch, make your
client book overflow and have your list hanging on your every word...

Using the same marketing mind-assault that grew DigiResults from 0 to a $1,000,000 business in one year"

Dear Future Marketing Jedi,

In the next few days, you're going to ascend to the ranks of the Marketing Jedi.
You're going to discover the nine buttons hard-wired by evolution into
the brain of every man, woman and child on the planet... and you'll
know exactly how to use them to grow your business and put money in your pocket.

If you've ever wanted to make your website pull all the deep-seated psychological levers that DEMAND action... to be able to close deals with the most commitment-shy clients... for your e-mails to be the ones everyone WANTS to read instead of being consigned to the spam bin, this letter could be your gold-plated invite.

First, please let me introduce myself...
I'm Andy Fletcher, CEO of DigiResults. I'd like to tell you about our
mind-bending approach to marketing... an approach that's let us run
launches like this:

[Image: DTMscreenshot.png]

And this...

[Image: DABscreenshot.png]

And this...

[Image: DALscreenshot.png]

Of course, it wasn't always this way. We started on the bottom
rung... running round after affiliates, working our butts off for not
much profit...

But you know what?

It was worth it. Every last minute.
Because all the launches that didn't quite work, all the mistakes we
made... all of them helped us learn how to really sell.

And I don't mean all the hype and bluster you normally see...

I mean the subtle tactics that make your prospects think 'Yes...
this is the product I'm looking for'... the 9 buttons you can press in
anyone's brain to make them more receptive to your offer...

Here at DigiResults we call it Jedi Marketing (practiced by
Marketing Jedis, natch), and it's helped us go from 0 to running
6-figure launches in a matter of months.

Now listen up, because this is the most important thing anyone will ever say to you:

This was not luck! We're not special. We didn't find a magic wand.
We just worked hard, did the research, tested like mad and DISCOVERED

Here's one tip I'll give you for free...

No-one likes being sold to. If you want to get your conversions up
to the level your product deserves, you've got to let people sell it to

And that's what being a Marketing Jedi is all about.

You're probably already some way along the road. You'll have noticed
how certain things make people act in certain ways, and you might have
begun to wonder how you can use this to help your business grow...

Here's what it's like when you've arrived...

  • Your sales pages regularly convert in double digits because you know what buttons to push that turn your prospects from INTERESTED to CRAVING...
  • You get more cash from every customer using the elite techniques that let you make a sale or close a deal even after they've said no...
  • Your list is more responsive
    because you know how to keep them engaged, and that means whether you're
    mailing one of your own offers or an affiliate promo, your commissions
    are hotter than ever...

Let me be perfectly honest...

This isn't 'new'. We didn't invent it. We've got the Weapons of
Influence identified by Cialdini... we've built a few more big guns of
our own... and isolated EXACTLY how to use each one with more
devastating effectiveness than pretty much anyone else out there...

And now you're going to be shown how it's done.

Introducing Digi Marketing Jedi

[Image: cover.png]This isn't just what, it's how.

Digi Marketing Jedi explains 9 key principles that YOU MUST KNOW...

These are the 9 buttons that everyone has, whether they say they do
or not... but it doesn't just identify them. You get actual practical
examples of how you use them to take your business to the next level.

Let's take a look at exactly what you'll discover...

  • Button #1: Today a seat, tomorrow a marriage: how you can reap dividends from your customers with the tiniest investment
  • Button #2: Trust Me, I'm A Dog Whisperer: how to make yourself #1, and have your prospects hang on to your every word
  • Button #3: How to Outsource Thinking:
    Make all those awesome comments work for you... by pulling in a load of
    new customers (in truth, you're probably doing this already... but we'll
    show you how to do it better)
  • Button #4: It's MY d*** Typewriter: the key to making people fight over your offer like it was the last nacho in a cheese factory
  • Button #5: The Al Capone Gambit:
    possibly the most powerful psychological warfare out there – use with
    caution! (Seriously, the Chinese used this to brainwash American PoWs...
    it's weapons-grade)
  • Button #6: The Cheerleader Effect: how to make your prospects actively want to give you their money
  • Button #7: The Russian Billionaire Fallacy:
    believe it or not, this tiny change to your website is going to drive
    your conversions through the roof (on one of our sites, it doubled the
    conversion rate of a $197 product)
  • Button #8: I'm An Individual Just Like Everyone Else: how you can build a community that everyone wants to be part of... and how this can help you make bank
  • Button #9: It's Not the Fall, It's the Landing: satisfy this one desperate need amongst your prospects and you'll soon see the benefit in your vastly increased conversions

And with the knowledge of these 9 key principles, you'll be able to
work marketing mojo that'll have your competition horrified and

  • Instantly make your products and services more attractive (and you can do it with just three little words...)
  • Get the respect of your prospects (which
    immediately makes them more interested in your offer) by doing the one
    thing pretty much every marketing book on the planet tells you is a bad
  • Increase your conversions by raising your prices! I know it sounds bizarre, but do it like this and you'll find your prospects scrambling to buy.
  • Make every pitch you do easier and more successful by using this interesting little psychological tactic... your potential clients instantly warm to you!
  • Pull in a FAR higher number of repeat customers... by asking them one simple question.

I've even thrown in a load of cool resources... you'll get to see
how I applied these techniques in my own e-mails, so you've got
real-life, niche-specific case studies of the Marketing Jedi in action.

But be warned... there is a catch

Because I want to be absolutely honest...

I didn't set out to create some kind of dry theory run-through.
There's a lot of those out there already. If you're going to succeed,
you need examples... a playbook detailing how to use these tactics in
the field.

But that means I've had to narrow the scope a bit.

I've selected the 4 types of people I think will benefit most from applying a bit of Marketing Jedi fizz to their marketing...

And if you're one of them, you'll get a course tailored DIRECTLY to
you. Uber-relevant, uber-specific... absolutely guaranteed.

I'll cover the 4 types in a minute, but first take a look at what a
few other people have said about the Marketing Jedi approach:

"This course is highly relevant to anyone and everyone that likes money"

The launches where we have Neil work his magic on the sales copy always KICK ASS.

A coincidence?

The proof of the pudding is in the taste, and I’ve seen
these guys pull down 6 figure launches in their business again and again
and again.

At the end of the day, your sales message will make or break your
success. It doesn’t really matter whether you’re a product creator,
affiliate, whatever. There is no business model in the world where
investing in getting better at selling won’t pay for itself 10x over.
Even if you’re an Adsense marketer, you’ll be able to sell your sites on
Flippa for more if you get even the basics of copywriting down pat!

This course is highly relevant to anyone and everyone that likes money, it's that simple.

I would strongly encourage everyone grab this and study it carefully, I know I will be.

Gavin - SEO Training Alliance

"This is a fantastic guide"

I have been a fan of Digiresults for about a year...... In that
time I have watches as they have gone from pretty much a standing start
to over $1 million in revenue.

This is a fantastic guide explaining some of the cunning
methods they have used to influence their customers and explains why
DigiResults will be one of the leading payment processors as they
further develop their business in 2012 and beyond.

Justin Wheeler

Here’s how you’ll discover if this works for you

Let me be absolutely clear... this works. But it's not a set of
magic words that will make everyone line up and give you money... it
doesn't work that way. Harry Potter this ain't.

But these psychological triggers have been hard-wired into
everybody. Everyone's affected to a different degree... personally, I'm
a sucker for them... just because I know what they are doesn't make me

So I can't promise you some kind of oogie-boogie remote hypnosis
that turns your prospects into zombies (though if that's what you're
after you probably never read this far, there's a few big words up

But what I can promise is that if you use the tactics you'll discover there, then

If you're a niche blogger, your audience
will be more engaged and have a better opinion of you (and what couldn't
you do with social capital like that...?)

Quote:If you own a single niche blog; you sell your own
information products or you are tyring to make money as an affiliate
marketer, then Digi Marketing Jedi is a shortcut for you to 10x increase
your results instantly.

You will see increases of your results if you implement this
the proper way… I have done this on a 4 page niche blog doing only what
Andy recommended and changing nothing else. In one day I had a 29%
increase in traffic to conversions (sales), can you say the last bell
and whistle you bought did that?

Mr. Business
, Author of "Constant Content - The Google Gift -

If you’re a product owner, you’ll see a jump in your conversion rate that’ll knock your socks off…

Quote:This is stuff that every product vendor needs to know. I
don't care what you sell, if you actually utilize the ideas Andy sets
out here, you'll be getting more opens from your list, and way better
click-throughs! I've already seen an improvement with my own lists opens
and clicks.

Why reinvent the wheel? Andy knows his stuff, and he's laying
it all out here for you. Learn it, use it, and watch your income grow!

Lisa Gergets -

If you’re a professional affiliate, your list will be FAR more interested in your recommendations…

Quote:If you're trying to make money as an affiliate marketer,
then Digi Marketing Jedi is a shortcut for you to 10x increase your
results instantly.

Digi Marketing Jedi is based on Andy's million dollar business
experience and proven and time tested principles, that will reduce your
marketing wisdom learning curve by at least 12 months.

Digi Marketing Jedi gets my highest recommendation if you are serious about making money online.

Peter Garety -

And if you’re an offline marketer, you’ll use these techniques to make clients come to YOU rather than spending your whole day cold calling…

Quote:I was fortunate enough to gey my hands on the new Digi
Marketing Jedi before it was released, and I gotta say this went far
beyond my expectations. Inside this report, Andy shares the tips and
strategies that took him from a nobody on the WF to one of the top
marketers out there, all within just a year. Just think, this time next
year you could be dominating your niche!

It doesn't end there though. Andy breaks down every section
with specific, actionable examples for three specific groups - the niche
blogger, the product owner, and the offline marketer. I just happen to
be all three, and I've used the power of Andy's guidance to make over
$8,000 on the Warrior Forum in 2011, grab a loyal following of
customers, and run a successful offline business in 2012!

If you've been struggling to make money online or offline, the
things in this report won't make you rich overnight. What it will do is
give you a new foundation, a new base to start from, and several new
methods to absolutely kill it in 2012 and beyond.

Start today, right now, and never look back.

Mike Heath -

If you're not one of these groups (or aspiring to be one) then
you'll probably get some use out of it... I mean, negotiating rent,
getting a pay rise... the applications are incredible... but please bear
in mind it was written for the people above. You'll find the techniques
really useful, the examples maybe not so much.

(I know, it’s not Marketing 101 to admit your system is specialized... but heck, I believe in honesty)

Not only that, but you're covered by my 60-day Iron-Clad Guarantee

Here's the deal: I think that what you'll discover in Digi Marketing Jedi is going to delight and astound you.

But you shouldn't have to take my word for that. You should be able to find out for yourself.

That's why you're covered by my 60-day iron-clad guarantee. You've
got 60 whole days after downloading to decide if it's right for you. If
you're not satisfied for any reason at all, you send in one e-mail to and you'll get your whole investment back.

You get a gold stamp of approval from a $10,000 copywriter

(and if anyone knows about compliance, it's those guys)

Before we start talking about the investment, let's think a bit about context.

You've already seen the size of launches we can deliver, and we owe that in large part to understanding these 9 triggers.

If you asked Neil Murton, our copywriter, to write a sales letter
for you, you'd be looking at a bill of around $10,000... but a lot of
his best tools are in Digi Marketing Jedi. (In fact, he personally
edited the guide so it's got his gold stamp of approval)

We also use this stuff as the basis of any copy review we perform for clients (and we charge $500 a pop for those...)

So frankly the $39.95 we're asking is a bit of a steal.

Heck, even if you just did a copy review for someone else using the
info you'll find here you're making over ten times your cash back.

Remember, the sooner you join the ranks of the Marketing Jedis, the
sooner you'll be able to use these mind-bending tactics to make your
business grow. Every minute delayed is a minute you're not getting the
most value out of your prospects... and that means less money in your
pocket, so I urge you to start right now:

[Image: 2502]

So the question is...

Are you happy remaining as a marketing workhorse, or do you want to up your game?

Marketing workhorse
Marketing Jedi

No matter how much work you put in, your sales page just doesn’t pull those crucial extra %
Your sales pages convert at higher rates than ever before thanks to your expert application of the 9 principles

You go out scouting for business every week (sometimes every day) because your schedule has holes and you’ve got bills to pay
Your clients fight tooth and nail over your business

Even though they signed up out of their own free will, your
e-mails are still ignored by most of your list (and the ones who do
read them just assume it’s another scammy promo)
Your subscribers look forward to reading your e-mails… and they really care about your recommendations

Your pricing goes ever lower as you scramble for customers, and the competition is more intense
You sell more products at higher value because you can deploy the Russian Billionaire Fallacy

Simply put, as a Marketing Jedi you play at a higher level.

It's a journey, but just through reading this letter you're already on the way. Take the final step:

[Image: 2502]


Andy Fletcher

CEO, DigiResults

P.S. Remember, there's absolutely nothing
to lose here. If this investment pays off, your business is going to be
going places (remember those 6-figure launch figures? That's you, in the
not-too-distant future). Otherwise, you get every cent back. No harm,
no foul.

Sales Page :

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Password : As Usual :)
Nice little copywriting gem! A 47 page ebook.

The SolidFiles link still works :-)
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