01-18-2014, 01:27 AM
Breakthrough Advertising Graduate Course
More inspirational Gene for you today. Learn this stuff! You'll use
if for the rest of your life. - NonConformer
What Could a Marketing Legend Who Generated Over $2 Billion in Sales
Working 4 Hours a Day From His Home Office Possibly Teach You?
What was it that Gene Schwartz had?
How did he hit a grand slam eight times for every 10 times he stepped up to the plate?
More importantly is it something that YOU can learn?
The answer is a resounding YES!!
And the good news is you don’t have to be an expert at advertising or a great writer.
You can learn exactly what it takes from the man himself.
How would you like to have Eugene Schwartz in YOUR corner?
Imagine creating advertisements that result in an immediate rush of sales
orders. What if you owned a website that generated consistent sales and
profits … even while you sleep?
Imagine sending e-mails that command attention and motivate serious
buyers to take action.
What if you could harness the hopes and fears of the masses and channel
their burning desires to your business … your product?
What if you could create advertisements that generate $10,000 in profits
in a month … or even a week?
Master the art of advertising and promotion, and the world will beat a path
to your door. You will not only have success convincing people to buy your
products, but also your ideas, concepts, and beliefs.
Power and money decisively travel toward those who are persuasive.
Imagine the results at your command when you learn to employ foolproof
strategies to:
Channel mass desire to your product and create out-of-control profits, even
in a down economy.
Prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that your product does everything you claim
Lead people from agreement … to desire … to the conviction that they must
own your product
Revive a “dead” product or even a sagging market and create runaway
sales success.
Earn a fortune on emerging trends by learning how to “slightly redirect tomorrow”.
Identify what your customers desire more than anything else in life and then
get them to buy by fulfilling that desire.
And much more...
BestBlackHatForum Link:
Grab Torrent: Gene Schwartz - Breakthrough Advertising Graduate Course [4 Audio CD (MP3), 4 Docs (PDF)] (1.15GB)
You must be a VIP forum user to become a member of the mega.nz Tracker.
See the project thread for details: http://bestblackhatforum.com/Thread-VIP-...Stage-LIVE
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More inspirational Gene for you today. Learn this stuff! You'll use
if for the rest of your life. - NonConformer
What Could a Marketing Legend Who Generated Over $2 Billion in Sales
Working 4 Hours a Day From His Home Office Possibly Teach You?
What was it that Gene Schwartz had?
How did he hit a grand slam eight times for every 10 times he stepped up to the plate?
More importantly is it something that YOU can learn?
The answer is a resounding YES!!
And the good news is you don’t have to be an expert at advertising or a great writer.
You can learn exactly what it takes from the man himself.
![[Image: EugeneSchwartzHead.jpg]](http://www.claudehopkinsadvertising.com/EugeneSchwartzHead.jpg)
How would you like to have Eugene Schwartz in YOUR corner?
Imagine creating advertisements that result in an immediate rush of sales
orders. What if you owned a website that generated consistent sales and
profits … even while you sleep?
Imagine sending e-mails that command attention and motivate serious
buyers to take action.
What if you could harness the hopes and fears of the masses and channel
their burning desires to your business … your product?
What if you could create advertisements that generate $10,000 in profits
in a month … or even a week?
Master the art of advertising and promotion, and the world will beat a path
to your door. You will not only have success convincing people to buy your
products, but also your ideas, concepts, and beliefs.
Power and money decisively travel toward those who are persuasive.
Imagine the results at your command when you learn to employ foolproof
strategies to:
Channel mass desire to your product and create out-of-control profits, even
in a down economy.
Prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that your product does everything you claim
Lead people from agreement … to desire … to the conviction that they must
own your product
Revive a “dead” product or even a sagging market and create runaway
sales success.
Earn a fortune on emerging trends by learning how to “slightly redirect tomorrow”.
Identify what your customers desire more than anything else in life and then
get them to buy by fulfilling that desire.
And much more...
- Breakthrough Advertising book pdf
- Gene Schwartz Lecture Transcript: Understanding Readers' Desires and Discovering Breakthrough Copy
- Core Concepts of Breakthrough Advertising CD
- Breakthrough Advertising at Rodale and Boardroom CD
- Advanced Breakthrough Advertising Concepts CD
- Applying Breakthrough Advertising Online CD
- Mail Order (because it's good and you should read it!)
- Grad course Sales Letter
Magic Button :
CD 1 - http://mir.cr/LJP5JMWC
CD 2 - http://mir.cr/0C2NLPE2
CD 3 - http://mir.cr/0KPERSCZ
CD 4 - http://mir.cr/1TY5MNFD
PDFs and Sales Letter - http://mir.cr/QIEEOVX6
BestBlackHatForum Link:
Magic Button :
Grab Torrent: Gene Schwartz - Breakthrough Advertising Graduate Course [4 Audio CD (MP3), 4 Docs (PDF)] (1.15GB)
You must be a VIP forum user to become a member of the mega.nz Tracker.
See the project thread for details: http://bestblackhatforum.com/Thread-VIP-...Stage-LIVE
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