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Full Version: [GET] Eugene Schwartz Speaking at Rodale [1 Video (AVI), 1 Transcript (PDF)]
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Classic Eugene Schwartz Speaking At Rodale Circa 1994

[Image: 2z6f1mx.jpg]

This is a rare video converted from VHS so expect it to be grainy, but it's still a great sit
down with Gene Schwartz. A must for every copywriter and marketer who wants to have
a solid collection of mastery. He details the exact method and steps he uses to write copy.
Also includes a PDF transcript.

Broken into two files. Use 7-zip to unpack it if you have any problem extracting the files.

[Image: 2akjss1.jpg]

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[Image: down_pointed_finger_7931700.png]
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hi.. it seems all links are dead? :)
(05-11-2014 10:21 PM)maangail Wrote: [ -> ]hi.. it seems all links are dead? :)
Nope. Solidfiles is working, though click the direct download links or you'll get a nasty exe! link is still working for Transcript.
This guy made a ton of money. Too bad he died at 68.

He was worth a fortune. Had one of the largest art collections in the world.

I've already had this for years, but thanks for posting, reps given.
Thanks for the share NC! Reps given.

A re-up of this would be great. You say it's in three parts.

I have a video of this but it's only 1hr:26mins. Is that the full video length?

I have learnt so much from watching this video. I love the part where Eugene Schwartz says to be successful one must prepare more than the other. He also talks about knowing the product better than the owner.

He also says that there is "no writer's block"
Yes, that sounds about the correct length.

The three parts are the split archive files (for size), not 3 separate videos.
Great share! Thank you. Rep Added!
Can someone of you guys please reupload it? I would love to watch that video, I searched for it elsewhere but had no luck in finding it.

Thanks in advance! :)
Let me create a torrent first and then I'll pull it from a server. I can't upload from this device.
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