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Full Version: [GET] Breakthrough Advertising MindMaps - Harlan Kilstein [pdf]
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"The file you attempted to download has been previously claimed by a copyright holder through a valid DMCA request and cannot be downloaded."
OK, I am trying this again. This is the pdf collection, PLUS a pdf of the original book "Breakthrough Advertising" by Eugene Schwartz (not just the mindmaps). I hope this changes the CRC type stuff.

It is encrypted with the USUAL FORUM PASSWORD - the PW starts with "best" and is a forum name...

So, zipped PDFs, using 7-zip, about 1.5MB:

Let's see what happens now...


(06-10-2022 05:16 PM)MongoSmash Wrote: [ -> ]OK, I am trying this again. This is the pdf collection, PLUS a pdf of the original book "Breakthrough Advertising" by Eugene Schwartz (not just the mindmaps). I hope this changes the CRC type stuff.

It is encrypted with the USUAL FORUM PASSWORD - the PW starts with "best" and is a forum name...



Huge thanks for reuploading this treasure Cool I added a mirror in dbree. So far none of my files there got deleted, so hope this will also stay on.

File Name:
Size: 1.71 MB
(06-10-2022 05:16 PM)MongoSmash Wrote: [ -> ]OK, I am trying this again. This is the pdf collection, PLUS a pdf of the original book "Breakthrough Advertising" by Eugene Schwartz (not just the mindmaps). I hope this changes the CRC type stuff.

Upd pls))
Like to see this one too
can someone re-up this please
Please reupload. This a very important resource.
Thank for sharing
re-up link
(09-13-2024 08:13 PM)daily-rp Wrote: [ -> ]re-up link

Very Thank you for reuploading.
+3 Rep.
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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