This is a wonderful share. I've looked at a few things on here, thanked a number of people and just really read the threads. But when I saw this, I was balled over!
I've been looking for this for a long time. Anything about communication, and especially from one of THE best communicators of our time, is worth it's weight in gold.
Like many on the different forums, there is a load of products, this and that being shared, and thanks btw for that, but being able to articulate an idea, a message, a story in a compelling way... you have the keys to the kingdom, regardless of what the next online marketing guru, is pedelling this week.
kustiin, you're bang on, with what you said, read and re-read this stuff, and make it as natural as breathing, once you do, you'll have the keys to the kingdom.
Brill share thanks
This a a gem, a real piece of communication art, and thanks a million
(01-24-2014 10:18 AM)marketingwarrior Wrote: [ -> ]This is a wonderful share. I've looked at a few things on here, thanked a number of people and just really read the threads. But when I saw this, I was balled over!
I've been looking for this for a long time. Anything about communication, and especially from one of THE best communicators of our time, is worth it's weight in gold.
Like many on the different forums, there is a load of products, this and that being shared, and thanks btw for that, but being able to articulate an idea, a message, a story in a compelling way... you have the keys to the kingdom, regardless of what the next online marketing guru, is pedelling this week.
kustiin, you're bang on, with what you said, read and re-read this stuff, and make it as natural as breathing, once you do, you'll have the keys to the kingdom.
Brill share thanks
This a a gem, a real piece of communication art, and thanks a million
Click the link in my signature to my other threads. I have a TON of classic copywriting threads on here. Everything you could ever want or need for writing copy, creating your own products and creating markets.
You won't find any new internet hypy bullshit, it's all the fundamentals and proven copy methods. There's all kinds of ad/copy swip scans, too.
(01-24-2014 06:04 PM)abuyervant Wrote: [ -> ]+3 added, brought the question up to myself.. why did i go to school?
By "School" I assume you mean: Memorizing facts and figures, learning how to be a good little cog and good little member of "tax paying society" and learning how to be a conditioned thinker.
School might be great for the social aspect and "basic" education, but that's about it. If you're not careful, it will turn you into a sheep as we can see by the herds of them all around us out there in the rat race. Scary stuff!
(02-09-2014 05:38 AM)humbled Wrote: [ -> ]is this password protected too? I am the new guy so dont shoot me. I am just trying to learn like everyone else.