bestblackie - Thank you for the reup.
REP added :)
(05-07-2019 07:10 AM)bestblackie Wrote: [ -> ]reupload:
Hey buddy... Did you change the password to this thing? "The usual" password isn't working.
Does anyone have this password?
The usual password worked for me (forum title, all lowercase. with the .com)
please re-up if you would
two of the links in the reup in post 19 are still alive.
(10-28-2019 03:34 PM)xmed Wrote: [ -> ]crimsonHat
two of the links in the reup in post 19 are still alive.
xmed thanks for the heads up. reps added
THX for the upgrade. I have repacked and uploaded it to Mediafire. To unpack you need the usual forum password.
What an opportunity.
Thanks bro.
(12-02-2019 06:34 PM)bourbon2000 Wrote: [ -> ]THX for the upgrade. I have repacked and uploaded it to Mediafire. To unpack you need the usual forum password.
repped, thanks a lot for the mirror
and thanks to OP too. repped too