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I created a website recently with 7 pages (each with at least 500 words, written by me) and made a real effort to optimize everything and precisely followed the techniques from Media Mogul. I was very confident that my site would rank, but this was before I realized the keyword was a bit more competitive than I initially thought.

Anyway, let me stop there because that isn't the point.

At the end of the process, I used to ping all 7 pages of my site, my Youtube video, and all of the other properties that I created to supplement the site (following Media Mogul)

Almost 1 week later, only 2 of 7 pages are indexed on G00gl3 (per Webmaster Tools)

Why is that? I've pinged everything, I've submitted my sitemap, I have properties pointing to my URL's on authority domains.

How can I get all 7 pages indexed quickly?

Any advice is appreciated :) This is the first time I've ever been in a "hurry" to index a site, so it's kinda new to me.
Hi Bud
As basic as it sounds this is still one of the quickest ways to index sites / pages :-

Please rep if you find this useful.

Hello guys,
I have a question about the Ping/Indexing proccess.
Lets say for example someone has a website/a blog but the whole indexing proccess takes him more than 7 days/ a week like in ManuelQB3's case.
What will stop me from getting his/her content and put it on my website, and indexing faster (with my tools)?
I am asking that question, because I am trying to figure out "How important could be to index your content on time" or simple, if there are a way Google to know whom is the original publisher (without indexing on time)?
Just use the URL roversierr posted above. Enter your new or unindexed page and it will be in the google index in a matter of seconds.

What will stop you of getting someone else's content is - your site is new with no authority. This will take you nowhere.
swosh: I could buy an aged domain on auction, but overall my question arise because I saw some people complaining that their websites "were copy&past" and on top of that their competitor with "copy&past" content is above them.
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