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Full Version: [GET] You Can Be A Millionaire In One Year Or Less - J. F. Straw [pdf's]
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Thank you Layna61524, you are the best!
Hey, rebellious! You're very welcome and thanks for your REPs. Enjoy the e-books!

thanks Layna61524 and NonConformer
reps added
Thanks. Max reps added.

Jim Straw's death was a great blow to the money making/marketing world.
You never had to worry about what Jim said being BS. He was the real deal.

I spoke to Jim a few times over the phone. A total gentleman.

Thank you for another eye opening share. I must make time to go through your threads. +Reps!


Thanks for sharing the Ultimate pack. I've only scanned the content looking at the titles. Wow talk about the power of proper usage of wording. $400 million in net.

Question for you or anyone else on the forum - All this material of J.F. Straw is what he would sell through direct mail for profit or is it a mixed bag of "How To" courses and Direct Mail material? I guess it's all done direct mail anyway and that's what confuses me a bit. Asking if anyone knows if he wrote DIRECTLY about how he did what he did so well for potential students?

Back after g00gling him and think I found my answer so I'd share:

Hard To Find Seminars presents - Jim Straw Interview with Free MP3 Download

"How I Made $400 Million Dollars Selling Products Through Mail Order."

Main Page w/info

Jim Straw Interview Free MP3 Download
How I Made $400 Million Dollars Selling Products Through Mail Order.

Jim Straw Mail Order Legend

Even though he only has a high school degree and a year of college, Jim Straw has made more than $400 million selling products through the mail.

And according to Jim Straw, anyone can get rich doing mail order –you just have to know the commandments of success. And in this question-and-answer interview my with students, you’ll hear Jim Straw's advice for getting to the top of your personal ladder.

According to Jim, every entrepreneur has started in sales and marketing because, no matter what business you think you're in, if you’re not selling, you’re not making money. This the same for the Mail Order Business too.

That’s why in order to be successful, it’s important to learn the building blocks of business and sales. And in this interview Jim Straw tells us all about them.

You’ll Also Learn More About Mail Order And How…

• Jim makes his living working just 3 hours a day
• Why Jim Straw says you should always test, test and retest your market – and how to effectively measure those results
• How to easily and quickly build an email list from scratch – and other ways to use the internet to enhance your business and increase your customer base
• What was Jim’s Straw's biggest mail order mistake and what he learned
• Why you need to learn the fundamentals of the mail order business in order to be successful and the best book for learning them
• How to get PR articles written about your business for next to nothing
• How to stop throwing away viable business opportunities by understanding the business of business – and stop yourself from thinking like a consumer
• The two things you need to know to be successful in mail order or online
• And much more

NOTE: This is a recreation of Jim Straw's Voice. Jim was unable to do a phone interview because of some hearing problems. This is an actor playing the part of Jim Straw. These are Jim Straw's words from written answers to questions submitted by my students. Mail Order Millionaires Get Ready.

LINK - Jim Straw Interview; PDF with mp3

LINK - NC's and Layna61524's shares combined in one
Thanks NonConformer and Layna!

Layna, I'm mirroring your files!

Magic Button :!BBEX0ABb!4JXs55ganCtY4..._D1l6eGWbg
Any chance for a reup on this one?
N/M Solidfiles still works in OPs original post.
Thanks +Reps Added
Any chances of reupload? Thanks
This share is a valuable piece of history.
Best of wishes.

Magic Button :
- Download link below -
The usual password applies....
As incredible as Mr. Straw's story is, it is completely true.
He didn't exaggerate about the realities of buyers and sellers. His quote in the forward says volumes:
“There really aren’t any secrets in this old world. Only things you don’t happen to know right now” - but - over the past nearly 50 years, I have added -
“Even after you learn what you didn’t know, it still remains a SECRET until you actually do it successfully.”

Have a great weekend.


(11-27-21___Updated the download link. A new member reported that the previous one died....)
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