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NLP for Money Makers: Volume 1 [8 CDs (MP3s)]
Market price: $97
Author: Sean Collins and Michael Campbell
Size: 365MB
Language: English
Sale Page:[b]

In this volume:
1. Jason Fladlien
2. Michael Breen
3. Kenrick Cleveland
4. Michael Losier
5. Genie Laborde
6. Kris Hallbom
7. Rintu Basu
8. Rose Charvet

Hosted by: Sean Collins and Michael Campbell

8 World-Class NLP experts share their best advice about NLP and moneymaking.

Yes, you already know that NLP is a superb technology for personal change, but it's also a great technology for helping you make more money...

Why? Because NLP fills in the blanks that all those business books and rah-rah motivational seminars skip over.

It's time for you to create the income you want AND enjoy the process.

NLP will help you get it done, starting now.

Dear Friend,

If want to earn, receive and accumulate more money, then there are two skills you'll need to master, and the sooner the better.

They are...

1. Managing your mind, attention and feelings

2. Managing your actions — the things you say and do

That may SOUND simple or obvious, but stop and think about it for a moment.

What IS stopping you right now from earning, receiving
and accumulating the money you want?

If you could snap your fingers and change SOMETHING about yourself so that you were better at making money, what would you change?

NLP is short for "Neuro-Linguistic Programming."
It was developed in the 1970's by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, who first defined NLP as "the study of the structure of subjective experience."

In three decades, NLP has become part of the fabric of business, academia, and the entire self-development field, providing better tools for influence and rapid change.

Even our language reflects the ongoing popularity of NLP around the world.

Curing a phobias in minutes? Applying the 'secrets of rapport'?
Learning how to 'change your state'?

There is a reason why NLP has become so popular, and its terminology has become a part of our everyday language.

NLP works.

Before you answer, notice what that question does NOT ask.

It doesn't say, "What would you want if you could have anything?"

It doesn't say, "What job would you want if you could have any job?"

It's about the things IN you that are in the way that you KNOW need changing.

Don't blame the economy.

It's tempting, especially now, to think that the 'hard times' are to blame.

Even if you've been personally affected by layoffs and industry downturns, you STILL have a choice about what to do next.

It's helpful to remember that some of the greatest personal fortunes have begun in times of economic crisis. (Even such mainstays as Apple, MicroSoft, Wrigley's Gum, and Walt Disney World -- began when ecomonies were harsh.)

In fact, ONE of our featured guests created his 5-figure a month business in 2009 -- after "The Great 2008 Recession" started!

Not only that, but he quit his 12-dollar-an-hour housepainter job to make it happen.

(His first visible act of financial freedom? It wasn't a sports car or a trip to Tahiti. It was quietly paying cash for his 9-year-old brother's funeral last year, and being able to to take that burden away from his grieving and financially strapped mother.)
Put NLP to the test, and prove to yourself that it works.

What's been standing in YOUR way?

Lack of confidence? Lack of persistence? Inability to sell or influence others?

No matter WHAT it is — no matter what problem you think is uniquely standing in your way— NLP can help you make the changes you want to make.

We put together this program with you in mind, and invited the best trainers around to come and share their best, proven strategies with you.

Meet our Panel of NLP Masters
and World-Renowned Trainers
NLPforMoneymakers: Series 1

Jason Fladlien
The NLP Connection: From $12-an-hour housepainter to 5-figures a month entrepreneur in less than 18 months.
How to make NLP really work in your professional life.
How to use Jason's "80/20" approach to NLP, and how it brought him such rapid results
Irresistable emotions: How overflowing YOUR good feelings translates into happier customers and clients and more business for you! (The KEY to his rapid income gains using NLP.)
Why it's always a LIE to say you lack self-confidence
How to generate new behaviors in yourself, and apply Jason's "Wealth Attraction Mindstate principle" for max efficiency during your workday.
How to use Jason's unique strategy for "spinning" feelings
Much much more

Michael Breen
NLP, Money and Conscious Enjoyment
What it will really take to double your income
How motivation "techniques" actually make you numb and lazy
Why "touching lives" is a better predictor of your financial success than anything else
The massive power of Conscious Enjoyment (and why it's a great idea to engineer Conscious Enjoyment for others)
"Finding the adult in the room" to resolve your worst money problem
The power of Creative Intolerance to move from frustration to flow
How to handle ANY criticism, and a brand NEW way to resolve a critical inner voice
Much much more

Kenrick Cleveland
The Master of Influence talks about money
Why the "fast food" money mentality keeps you broke and how to drop it
Why mastering money and mastering NLP require the SAME skill (a skill you already have)
How to get yourself up off the sofa and take action
Tough Love from Mr. Cleveland: The sobering advice from Kenrick's Dad that helped Kenrick create his own financial freedom.
How to raise your financial "thermostat" and why hoping won't help
What to do now if you're scared or depressed about money
Why your job interview or sales presentation gets torpedoed by unconscious money worries, and what to do about it
How to get yourself into a good state before your next presentation
Much much more

Michael Losier
NLP and The Law of Attraction: The Surprising Connection
NLP and intentional vibration. Why (and HOW) it works.
Why there is no such thing as neutral emotion, and why this is crucial to remember
The two words that guide every moment of your experience
Why Positive People attract negative things, and how to correct this INSTANTLY
Being "deliberate" -- getting into a state that serves you most
Vibrational Marketing: How Michael created a bestselling book and has reached millions of people around the world without spending a dime on marketing
The power of your neurology to create abundance more easily, and why five minutes is all you need
Skeptic's guide to Law of Attraction: The specific words to use for making a goal happen
Much much more

Genie Z. Laborde
NLP Inside and Out: Secrets of Ethical Influence
The difference between manipulation and influence
The TWO question to ask yourself before your next interaction
The Toe technique for dropping your anxiety down to zero
The simple question that makes rapport happen
Why it's crucial to "Let" the other person have rapport with you
The question to ask so that every rapport experience has a happy ending.
How to turn off rapport (without being rude) and why you'll have to
What "dovetailing" is, how to do with others AND inside yourself
Eliminating self-sabotage for good
Much much more

Tim and Kris Hallbom
NLP, Money, and the Source of All Wealth
The thing that gets in people's way when it comes to money
What to do right now if you are in financial chaos
The power of beliefs: What they are and how to change them so that you attract more of what you want
Your worst money problem is the doorway to wealth: The surprising truth about positive intent.
Divinely Practical: Why changing beliefs really DOES change your life in an instant
What to do if you're "tried everything" and still haven't improved your financial results. How to change this habit for good.
Much much more

Rintu Basu
Street-Smart NLP Skills
How the SAME secrets of persuasion that Police use are immeasurably useful for moneymaking
The Language Pattern Trap: Making your language more naturally influential.
The one thing to do BEFORE you can master rapport.
Why "matching and mirroring" can undermine your connection with other people, and how to prevent this backfire from happening
The single word that MOST people use and which undermines their communication. .
How to lead other people to your way of thinking within seconds after you've met them
Much much more

Shelle Rose Charvet
Changing Minds for Better Results
Emotion vs. Logic: Why time is the most important FIRST factor when dealing with your money worries
The surprising truth about goal-setting, and why it DOESN'T work for 60% of the population
How to get yourself moving when you don't know how
The REAL reason why money resolutions never stick, and what to do to make sure they work
Research into habit control, and what it means for your moneymaking projects.
The power of NEGATIVE imagery
The two blocks that prevent long-term goals from happening, and what to do TODAY about both of these
How to get skeptical people (including family members) to follow your suggestion
Much much more

Never before have so many NLP Masters been assembled at one time for just one purpose…showing you how to generate more Money through the awesome power of NLP.

This is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn how to master the money making mindset regardless of your background, education or current income level.

The tips, technique and tactics that you'll learn is known, understood and used by only a select few.... and we have 8 of the best all in one place for you.

At this forum, we share for free. You obviously hope to make money off members if they buy a premium account. You're at the WRONG FORUM.
I thought they had got rid of these download affiliate guys trying to make a buck off members. Not cool.
Hi All,

Here the new links for the downloads and they are not affiliate links :) Please go ahead download them:

Part 1
Magic Button :
Part 2
Magic Button :
Part 3
Magic Button :

Please give me +rep if you are able to download smoothly.

Links are dead. Any ideas what to do?
Here's one replay I've found;
Magic Button :
Reference URL's