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Full Version: [Null and Decode] PES Pro 1.9.6 Original
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Hi friends , i have original Pes pro 1.9.6 it is encoded php and request check license. Anybody can decode and nulled Install folder? It is for share with us. PM to send script to decode.
Ok here I leave the original script. Add rep +. If anyone can decode and null this script, Remember who shared it and please do not forget to send me the link back
Magic Button :
I sent uou a private message. thanks
Me too but I have not yet received anything
what about update from v1.9.5. Maybe this can work:

1- Install the nulle version of v1.9.5

2- Upload and replace all files from the folder PES Pro to your site, where you have installed your script, but without system/database.php file and install folder.

3- Refresh your websit

Why this must work?
1- you must not upload the install folder
2- you must not upload the file system/database.php
3- Update from v1.9.5 to v1.9.6 does not affect the database. the files affected are the install folder and maybe database.php.

I don't test it but I'll do it and backup here. If someone can test it before me, ...
GOOD NEWS I SUCCESS with above suggestion or use the install folder of a nulled version (v1.9.1 in my case) and replace the install version of v1.9.6 and install it use the code 12. It works fine
reupload pls link is dead
The file is not dead i guess this was removed by the author, please someone update the link, thanks
can anyone update the link the link...i'll decode it....ioncube or zend or phpsheild i can decode anything....
please re-up.
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