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Full Version: [REQ]good geotargeted clicktraffic
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HI there.
I'm looking for a trafficsource for a CPA campaign. It only has to be clicktraffic that comes from different IP's and they have to be geotargeted. I only need clicks for this campaign, don't need signups, just clicks.
Does anybody know a good solid trafficsource.
I looked already at PTC sites, but they don't have much members from UK, and for this one I only need UK click traffic.
I don't want 3 or more times the same IP in my trafficstats.
Is there anybody who can help me out with this.
iff you want geo targeting traffic like filtering categories and countries for advertising
the best is

traffic G
Easyhits4you I knew, traffic G is new for me.
The only problem is that I want lots of traffic on one day, not just 100 clicks a day.
Don't know where to get that kind of amount from UK Traffic.
try google search for geo targeting traffic
will find lot of results and reviews
good luck
pm me I think I might be able to help you.
Try This site i've had 1000's of (paid) clicks from the UK in 12 hours, works out less than 1 cent a click - hope that helps, also adf(dot)ly is another good one for geo targetted but not sure on click rate
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