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Initially I thought it's my Outlook in black background... I get 10 of those daily, I used SpamFighter, which is no longer working for me... Help me with some spam filter software:D

Anyway, back on the topic - It is sad to admit it, but thanks! +5 inch Biggrin
I find the topic quite humorous!

For those interested I had shared a $99.97 program here called The Trinity Blueprint:


Always remember +reps if you download ;)
XtraSize is a totally natural dietary supplement. It increases penis
size and girth by up to 30%. It also boosts sex drive. XtraSize improves
blood-flow in the body, which permanently rejuvenates absorbency and
improves heath of the corpora cavernosa. As the chambers of your penis
expand and the tissue engorges to a fuller capacity than before, length,
thickness and improved sexual stamina become possible. XtraSize allows
men to add inches where we all know size matters.
@teers44 give me 5 min to read the 100 page book shared here and you'll be able to take the 10 inch meat, making you cry those 44 tears in an instant!
Too friggin' funny!
(01-04-2014 05:09 AM)kenef Wrote: [ -> ]@teers44 give me 5 min to read the 100 page book shared here and you'll be able to take the 10 inch meat, making you cry those 44 tears in an instant!
ahaha did you bought this??? :))))))
(01-04-2014 02:11 AM)The Jumper Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-04-2014 01:06 AM)s8113 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for sharing but its not for me. ;) i think 7.5 inch is good enough.
Show us...I dare you! Sleepy
Dude, speak for yourself...I would rather not see it Verysad
Interesting Upload.....
LOL If you can't make it grow get a smaller woman!.......LOL
Repped for the All in 1 mirror! Same to OP.Thx.
(01-04-2014 12:32 AM)n3b Wrote: [ -> ]all in 1

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