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In this course you are going to learn how to are use Hangouts like the experts do, all you need are a few basics to turn Google Hangouts into an on demand traffic system to build your business and authority with very little effort.

It's always a good feeling to KNOW that you can create traffic whenever you want to have it in your business. You never have to worry about paying for it, and you can use it to promote whatever you want in your business!
Here's whats covered in the course:

Videos 1-4: The Foundation: Setting Up For Google Hangouts.
I'll help you set up your Google Hangouts just as a professional would set up their movie studio. You'll be shocked at how little you need to get started and how easy it's going to be to create interesting content.

Videos 5-13: The Dashboard: Taking Control To Create a Dynamic Experience.
In these videos I'll show you how to use the controls inside of Google Hangouts so that you create the best experience for audience that watch you live or see your video by archive. Watch over my shoulder as I show you everything that you can do and leverage for a professional experience that transforms you into the expert.
Videos 14-20: Taking Flight: How You Can Use Google Hangouts to build your Business.
Videos 20-24: The People: [i]Finding the Guests ThatEveryone Wants to Hear.[/i]
Videos 25-28: The Platform: [i]Using These Advanced Features of Google Hangouts for Massive Credibility.[/i]
Videos 29-34: The Promotion: [i]How to Find those Out of the Way Places Where Your Target Market Hangs Out[/i]

In these videos I'll reveal to you the new secrets of making money with hangouts from all angles in marketing online. You can use Google Hangouts for more profits regardless of what niche your business is in.
thanks for sharing
Thanks, Rep+
Thanks a lot
As above, but no typing required: (Keep the thanks for colll999)

sold out ... thanks anyway
[quote='vraghav' pid='557223' dateline='1388723409']
sold out ... thanks anyway
[/quote]Dear the one posted above works.

Update: Coupon code holidaysale is sold out.
sold out bro :(
Would like a 2nd chance on this...
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