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Full Version: wepay to paypal exchange
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I tried to post this in lounge but for some reason it is not working. Please move it if if I cant post here.

Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows how to get money from a wepay to paypal account with out waiting for a direct deposit or a check from wepay. Or if anyone can who has a eCommerce site that can bill me through wepay and then send me the funds via paypal. I will pay all fee's and can throw in a little extra for the help. Thanks
YOU CANNOT. wepay is a solution for those who sseek an alternative to merchant processing. They do no have transfer capability
i can help i have pm u
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(01-03-2014 09:58 AM)jerryboy Wrote: [ -> ]i can help i have pm u
I tried to post this in lounge but for some reason it is not working. Please move it if if I cant post here.

Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows how to get money from a wepay to paypal or skrill or neteller account with out waiting for a direct deposit or a check from wepay. Or if anyone can who has a eCommerce site that can bill me through wepay and then send me the funds via paypal. I will pay all fee's and can throw in a little extra for the help. Thanks
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