A ‘fan-gate’ (otherwise known as the ‘reveal tab’ or ‘fan-only’ content) is Facebook functionality that enables marketers to display one type of content to fans and another type of content to non-fans.
Fan-gates can massively boost your fan acquisition rates by requiring that new visitors perform an action on your page to gain access to exclusive content.
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(01-02-2014 02:52 PM)difre Wrote: [ -> ]A ‘fan-gate’ (otherwise known as the ‘reveal tab’ or ‘fan-only’ content) is Facebook functionality that enables marketers to display one type of content to fans and another type of content to non-fans.
Fan-gates can massively boost your fan acquisition rates by requiring that new visitors perform an action on your page to gain access to exclusive content.
Sales page
sign up
This is a 14 day free trial period then after that it's PAID.
I did a bit of due diligence to uncover what's really behind it. Details presented after you go through the sign-up process and get a free WordPress area are "
You have 14 days left in your Elite free trial. Checkout now to prevent losing Elite features"
A link then takes you to the following page to get a paid service:
Hope this helps you understand more about it.
Comment: Promo link is NOT mine, I think it belongs to the OP...just want to make sure no one thinks I'm trying to pull a fast one!
Thanks for the info! Cheers!
Use FB Gorilla much better.
Fan BOOOM ricky ricky ricky