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Full Version: [GET] Bulk Image Downloader cracked
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Pages: 1 2
Stop switching between different downloaders for different web sites. BID does them all.

As the thread title states it is a Bulk Image Downloader, simply place
an image gallery url in the scan bar and hit scan, it will grab all
images from the gallery once this is done you hit the download button to
the right of the scan button.

You do NOT need to install anything. Just shove it in a folder and run BID.exe

Ignore the message at the top that states its unregistered... it still works. No restrictions.

[Image: w885r6.png]
Download link

Magic Button :

thanks for the share
Thread closed
Thread Closed
rep given, thanks
anafile sooks azz
Trend Micro flagged the download site as dangerous. I made a mirror and uploaded the file to and it had 9.
Mirror if you want to risk it:
Magic Button :
Magic Button :

Proceed at your own risk:
SHA256: 2feb89f57cef03ec173ab4f1407cff14fb97d61446d4a48d7e460911541993f0
File name: Launcher__3039_il2367.exe
Detection ratio: 9 / 48
Analysis date: 2014-01-02 03:57:27 UTC
Does anyone have this without the virus?
only for your own risk
is this still working? will it work with google images?
Pages: 1 2
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