I don't think that you can get a certificate, but I will ask.
@attackprogress go to the payment page and click in "discount code" and type "REDDIT", if it still available you will get a 50% OFF.
why would you want the certificate anyway?
My opinion - Online or offline, certificates are important evidences that we have attended a course or have some exposure in some training. Helps a person in job interviews, resume, salary increase application etc etc especially in overcoming competition from other candidates. Yes they can be faked like academic qualifications cert but having one or even a few is a definite advantage. That's why udemy and other respectable MOCC takes the trouble to print out certificates. It also reinforces our self confidence and belief completing courses and filing them in our A4 folders for future use. And what happens when one day when Udemy gives a 404 for an indefinite time?
Certificate ? learn the skill and apply - thats real certification.
I bought it with the coupon code, these guys are real deal. GUys lets face it - so much value for $ 4.97 ! Can you get anywhere else ? and these guys respond to your requests too ...
Certificates mean absolutely Nothing Unless they are issued by an organization the gob. recognizes. Like brick and mortar colleges and their online extensions of their schools. And lets not forget real certification courses that employers actually seek the skills of.
Udemy certificates is worth nothing. They are Not a recognized accredited school. It is like making up a cert in photoshop and printing it. It is not a real school it is not recognized and Lol, if you have taken many of those courses, you see not 1 of them would ever be considered equal to high school academics, so no way they would make it to college.
Udemy is using certificates as propaganda. A ploy to get you to think the courses are equal to an academic course or even a real certification and there for, you will buy more. Even if you printed a cert from udemy and Udemy would go under, no College, Business, or Employer would ever recognize them.
Like everyone said learn and then go out and get a job using the skills, that is the only way it becomes valid. If you bring a Udemy cert in front of an employer or business, they are going to look at you like you have a whole in your head.
Exactly, those certificates doesnt mean jack
What is theirs facebook fan page or so?
would to have a sneak peak on the "ongoing" list of courses...
The price rise!! it's a shame for that ones who doesn't use the $4.97 discount code.
Are they still uploading classes? I think it's been a week after I checked and they did not upload any new class. Is the Jquery class still the most recent one?
Can anyone confirm they have the following courses available:
1) Secrets to Getting Dates During the Day
2) Be The Guy Everyone Wants To Meet; Party Like A VIP For Free
3) Build Your Own Raspberry Pi Powered Robot
Thanks In Advance...