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Full Version: GETSY 1.13 vs. Getlancer vs. Burrow
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i am back again. My company just bought the latest GETSY open source 1.13. I am willing to trade against latest getlancer or latest burrow.
Please contact me if you have one of them.
Dont excpect that i share for free since i did it last time and all i got was some bad comments from scammers.

Bye, Susan
Go F*** yourself you filthy whore!
See, thats what i am talking about.
BTW: Just got burrow, so now i am only interested in getlancer.
(12-30-2013 09:44 AM)SusanMaier Wrote: [ -> ]See, thats what i am talking about.
BTW: Just got burrow, so now i am only interested in getlancer.

Why do you keep telling the same old story ... "My company just bought ....... " ?

Last time you did that was with Cloneforest v2.1, but then we all found out that you stole it from a user here at BBHF..

Also, why do you have to try making it look like you're a girl? You think you can fool some lonely nerds to send you free scripts? Oh please, get real.
I was waiting for you to place some comments. Just look at your posts. You only scam.
You are the scammer here "SusanMaier".. Now, drop dead please.
hater's gonna hate.
(12-30-2013 08:37 PM)SusanMaier Wrote: [ -> ]hater's gonna hate.

STFU and GTFO, down syndrome suffering piece of fucking shit.
I think april fool is too Early.. GTFO OP
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