What makes it worse, like you said PRT, he uploads old versions and crap programs anyway..... not worth the time to go to the pay per download links he is posting......
Shame so many people automatically give rep without looking at what's being shoved at them, but what can you do.
(12-30-2013 08:27 AM)ShadowMaster Wrote: [ -> ]What makes it worse, like you said PRT, he uploads old versions and crap programs anyway..... not worth the time to go to the pay per download links he is posting......
Shame so many people automatically give rep without looking at what's being shoved at them, but what can you do.
It is and when the person who actually released it posts things they do not get rep. its crazy how peoples minds work here! people need to stop supporting these useless spammer uploaders and they will go away.
File opens just fine but says name and password are incorrect *Update* password for some reason was not working but is now working. So far software is working without any problems. *Update* Works great, my pinterest account is doing what the program says, the only issue I have at the moment is finding active keywords for followers in the niche/demographic I desire. *Update* Pinterest seems to have a lack of user activity, not very many follow backs or likes/repins, etc.