Seems to be a powerful software! With few updates it can really be a big piece of software, many thanks for it, now i am learning a little how to use it at best!
Thank you for your usual high quality share. I learned a lot from the bonus video, Google moving from links and content to hot context shared by people. The new seo game.
+5 rep added.
Very nice share indeed...thank you so much...rep added.
I had a membership with them a while back and didn't renew it anymore...
Wow!!! How did you do that?? This is better than awesome. Thank you, thank you and again thank you:) I'll like to add 10 REPs.
Is it a lifetime license or one year? It has not become clear to me, sorry.
What are the OTO's?
I actually bought Curationsoft Pro so it wont let me sign-up again.
(yeah i could use another email, but YOLO)
Use any email I used a couple of my gmail accounts