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Full Version: [GET] Got Paypal? Can write an email? Here's How to Generate $400 in 24 hours with No Cash, No Website
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what does anyone expect? it was FREE. the whole point in a wso and free content is to get people on a list.....not the content itself or actually helping people. whenever you run across a free wso, pass on it unless it's from someone already reputable and paying it forward. the person who created this report probably will get a couple hundred people on his list for a $20 thread. a lot cheaper than a solo ad. that's for sure. those 200 people will make this guy 400 through affiliate offers or an upsell or some cheap plr that will cost $7. THAT'S how you make $400 when you only need 30 of those 200 to buy something for $7.

most people reading this wont even spend $20 to build a list though to make that money. THAT'S the sad part....not the guy who put out this S***** report. he's actually the smart one that everyone is putting down and yet still hasn't made one red cent in im.
(12-25-2013 05:42 PM)California Kid Wrote: [ -> ]what does anyone expect? it was FREE. the whole point in a wso and free content is to get people on a list.....not the content itself or actually helping people. whenever you run across a free wso, pass on it unless it's from someone already reputable and paying it forward. the person who created this report probably will get a couple hundred people on his list for a $20 thread. a lot cheaper than a solo ad. that's for sure. those 200 people will make this guy 400 through affiliate offers or an upsell or some cheap plr that will cost $7. THAT'S how you make $400 when you only need 30 of those 200 to buy something for $7.

most people reading this wont even spend $20 to build a list though to make that money. THAT'S the sad part....not the guy who put out this S***** report. he's actually the smart one that everyone is putting down and yet still hasn't made one red cent in im.
Noted your point. However if he is smarter, he could give something value added in the free report to give people the "Wow" factor. 1-2 good tips just to get people hooked and to look forward to his other Paid report/course/training/membership/upsell. I know Frank Kern, Ryan Diess and many others do it this way. An impressive free report to establish themselves as the authority in whatever they plan to sell.
Wow, I cannot believe I read that and did not get not 1 nugget of sumthin' new. :( Thanks and repz was givenz!
My Review: You get a feeling of reading an incomplete report. The buildup seemed good. Just when you expected the meat to be there- Psst.... goes the report. It ends there! If you call up someone and promise 1st page google ranking, why would someone pay you before you delivered results or least laid out a roadmap for the purpose? Even glaring is ---- there is no method spelt out in the report to deliver on the assurance under which the payment is collected from the client (if at all one makes that is). This in my opinion would be breach of trust! Thanks for sharing but, this one is a No No for me.
Total of +15 REP was given to reviewers!

LOL !!! This is one crap WSO! I've a simple yet WORKING Method to find clients which I've explained in my blog for free!! WSO's are turning into CSO(Crap Special Offers),If members here are really finding it hard to get clients, feel free to PM me, I will give you my blog post link, I don't want to share my link here since some might criticize me of promoting my blog here!
Thanks for teh share SEOSuperstar, and thanks for the review, mediapro. Considering the review, I'll save time and disk space, but hey, was nice to have the choice anyway :)

+5Rep to both of you
Thanks For Sharing. REP Added

(12-25-2013 06:34 PM)FreshAir Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-25-2013 05:42 PM)California Kid Wrote: [ -> ]what does anyone expect? it was FREE. the whole point in a wso and free content is to get people on a list.....not the content itself or actually helping people. whenever you run across a free wso, pass on it unless it's from someone already reputable and paying it forward. the person who created this report probably will get a couple hundred people on his list for a $20 thread. a lot cheaper than a solo ad. that's for sure. those 200 people will make this guy 400 through affiliate offers or an upsell or some cheap plr that will cost $7. THAT'S how you make $400 when you only need 30 of those 200 to buy something for $7.

most people reading this wont even spend $20 to build a list though to make that money. THAT'S the sad part....not the guy who put out this S***** report. he's actually the smart one that everyone is putting down and yet still hasn't made one red cent in im.
Noted your point. However if he is smarter, he could give something value added in the free report to give people the "Wow" factor. 1-2 good tips just to get people hooked and to look forward to his other Paid report/course/training/membership/upsell. I know Frank Kern, Ryan Diess and many others do it this way. An impressive free report to establish themselves as the authority in whatever they plan to sell.
Agreed 100%. It's the same concept as using a reverse squeeze page. Add value first. You don't have to give away the farm, just add a lot of good, ACTIONABLE information on your first take and you'll have people falling all over themselves to buy your real, in-depth product when you release it.
Appreciate the review. Will help people avoid more time wasting for sure.
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