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Full Version: [GET] GoodWeb – One and Multi Page WordPress Theme v1.1 | Themeforest
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ThemePunch has dedicated a lot of time and ressources to create a new kind of WordPress Theme that is highly creative, unique, technologically advanced, yet still highly customizable and easy to use by beginners and developers alike.
We highly suggest that you take a look at all the features this product has to offer, including all different previews so you can grasp the full potential of GoodWeb. We are very proud of this product and are anxious to see what sites you will build using it!
[Image: 01_largepreview.__large_preview.jpg]

Sales Page and Demo :

Download Links :

Mirrors ( Zippyshare - TurboBit - [Reported by Members as premium hosting that SUCK! Use MEDIAFIRE or MEGA.NZ :) !!!] - Uploaded )
http://>>>[[[Reported by Members as self-promotion. Please post the actual direct link!]]]<<</be9yBQ

Hi, the latest version is 1.2
Would you update this theme
revolutionary theme! thanks for sharing, repped
thanks for sharing.
this is the unique one.
rep added
thanks for the theme but is it possible to to upload it to v1.2? Would be great to download here v1.2!

sorry double post ^^
(12-25-2013 03:53 AM)danieldomitz Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,
thanks for the theme but is it possible to to upload it to v1.2? Would be great to download here v1.2!

i'll post it broth
okay ....nice ... u post it here in this thread or in a new one?

cheers :D
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