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Full Version: [GET] Kindle Holiday and Unannounced Bonus from Shawn Hansen
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My curiosity got the better of me so I bought this and now I'm wishing I hadn't
wasted my time or my money on such a piece of crap. She's way more interested
in taking your money through a bunch of upsells than offering anything that might
be described as a product.

Knock yourselves out... and please mirror this direct link

Magic Button :

(1) Here is an Unannounced Bonus from Shawn Hansen.. Cool

Creating Amazing Trailers :)
Shawn Hansen

• A Detailed PDF with Sample Scripts
• A PDF of the Slides Used in the Webinar
• A 90-Minute Video showing you in real-time and step-by-step
how to create trailers in iMovie and Power Point 831 MB
Magic Button :

An AVG Virus Scan showed a clean result.
The file is large, so conduct your own Virus Scan.

(2) Also from Shawn Hansen..

7 Myths Busted: Why KDP Select Free eBook Days Are Killing Your Sales :)
14-page PDF
Magic Button :

VT Virus Total
SHA256: 0b35cfe55b4275fdf7b075ffdb264a6872a72674df371635f4e6a11a81ab788f
File name: 7MythsBusted_ShawnHansen.pdf
Detection ratio: 0 / 49
Analysis date: 2013-12-22 19:27:24 UTC ( 0 minutes ago )

(3) Finally, you can Join Shawn Hansen's free Facebook Group: Write. Publish. Profit.
Turn your writing passion into writing profit!
Great Writers Are Members..
Magic Button :
That is the truth. This is the second attempt at showing people how to write a book in two days. The last one she did was about writing one during the weekend. Both the upsells are a bit too much. The retreat she's selling will cost you an additional $147. That's for two videos of her running her head!w
I thought you might have been a little harsh on here but after watching and reading everything l now think that you let her off lightly, but it proves that you sell almost any crap to a captive audience. thanks for your efforts.
Another rep for Andrew the Almight.

Will save my digital oasis from this swill.
You know, speaking of trailers. I had success with creating animated trailers (really crappy ones at first, then I decided to get down and draw) and putting them up on youtube.

The trailers were for books, and then my own book sales and they basically consisted of trying to make the book as interesting as possible in book form.

It works well, though I build videos for clients now, and nothing over 30 seconds (you want a sweet and simple trailer).
Thx for the DL. In fact the "free" bonus material is a lot better than what has been "sold"... by lina
Is it possible to get the PDF, that is talked about in the end of 7 myths? That shows the 7 alternatives to the myths...
Does anyone have a mirror for the Creating Amazing Trailers file? The website for the link is down
Another request for the Creating Amazing Trailers file from someone who was lucky enough to get it before the website for the link disappeared....
(12-21-2015 10:32 AM)needlechi Wrote: [ -> ]Another request for the Creating Amazing Trailers file from someone who was lucky enough to get it before the website for the link disappeared....

I got lucky to have gotten this and now I'm passing on the good luck.

Hope this helps:


Thanks to OP again! Thanks
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