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Full Version: OxyClassifieds-v7.08
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Is this working? I tried but no success. Do we need to do something extra or just install as is?
I have installed atakancan's version OxyClassifieds-v7.08-NULLED BY ATAKANCAN and I can't log in as an admin after the install. Reinstalled again, same result. Categories don't work either... Any help someone, or is it a waste of time?
1 - hosting provider must have ioncube decoder configurated
2 - if errors persist while running installation you willl need to create a ini.php file
(01-17-2014 01:53 AM)theyellow Wrote: [ -> ]1 - hosting provider must have ioncube decoder configurated
2 - if errors persist while running installation you willl need to create a ini.php file
Installation success.. But Admin Entrance not working

admin password or username error!!


Fatal error: Call to a member function fields() on a non-object in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/classes/listings.php on line 2991

Fatal error: Cannot use object of type mails as array in /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/classes/mails.php on line 367

Fatal error: Call to a member function auth() on a non-object in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/classes/users.php on line 1168
etc... FATAL ERRORS !!!!
I have the original version Oxyclassifieds 7.08, Mobile, + Premium Templates for Oxyclassifieds

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Please Atakan can you post working link with Oxyclassifieds v7.08 full decoded and nulled? Thank you very much
Here you go Oxy classifieds 7.7 NULLED TESTED working 100% -- (Mobile module is not included) everything else is running smoothly ;) ----------- i need apphp h.otel latest 4.2 please share it with me.
I have oxyclassifieds v7.07 decoded and nulled, I need v7.08 decoded. I own an original script with licence but need customize whole script and this is not possible with ioncube shit (sorry)...
(01-04-2014 01:00 PM)AtakanCan Wrote: [ -> ]NULLED , DOWNLOAD LINK
Link does not work :(
Please give a working link or in private.
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