Around 14 months ago I shared my own
tiered link building strategy with the world.
But since then we have had at least 12 major updates to the algorithm. One of which specifically targets tiered link building.
A lot has changed which has started to make the method
much less effective than it used to be.
As Google evolves we must evolve and with it so must our link building practices.
So I wanted to share my thoughts on the past 12 months with you and address the much wider problems at hand.
Thank You For Sharing
Thank you for sharing the tutorial, it really is appreciated!
Any opinion about this pdf? Useful? Useless? Any kind of personal reaction?
Rep added review next time on this topic, thanks a lot
It"s 15 pages, easy to read and well written, but not much information, just a few statistics about new trends.
He says social signals from G+ and Facebook are now more important then back links. Then he mentions what he will have to offer in 2014...
I like the style of this author, but I did not find much substance in the content here.
Many thanks to OP
Useful info, most of us should know a lot of this by now.
Basically traditional tiered linking is dying. Sites/pages/posts with poorly spun content are hurting everything connected to them. Now it all seems to be about good content, social signals (likes/shares/fans/etc), and giving the serps what they want. They USED to like tiered backlinking, but it's not as favorable now, although it is still a factor.
I don't aim my sites for g00gle anyway. Their shit is always changing. Well, I do still have some adsense sites, but they are designed to be minimal and focused. The bulk of my affiliate sites don't give a crap about g00gle for traffic, even more so when I noticed you never get the same top 10 results when you search for something. That was what, at least a year ago. And 2 people searching for the same thing from different locations get even more different results. So trying to be #1 or on first page isn't as important as it used to be.
So shorter review for the information impaired: You can still rank sites with traditional tier link building, but not for much longer. You need good content and a lot of likes, shares, etc to build anything you want to last. Oh yeah, google+ counts for more than any other 'social site'.... go figure....
This is a good read, and has links to resources with a lot more good stuff. Too much for a lot of people here, but good info for those who don't already know, or those that like to learn more.
+Rep for the OP, good share.
leith and shadowmaster get rep points!
Rep to the Moon God and Shadowmaster =)