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Full Version: [GET] themeforest- Parasponsive v4.1 WooCommerce WordPress Parallax [Latest]
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[Image: WHBdYEW.jpg]
Parasponsive is perfect for companies, studios, private photographers, designers, blogs, and other web-projects. Adaptive theme for all mobile and tablet devices. A huge number of effects, including parallax are already inside.

tahnk you for this awesome share,

is it clean ? i started to work on the 3.8 version which i discovered a base64 inside, imposibble for me to find the code (even in fonctions.php) so I hope your share (and its an update !) could solve my problem !

thanks a lot
Anyone have 4.4?
hey nice theme!!!!
+3 Rep added - Thank you very much spookynet for your awesome share!
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