anyone had any luck with this extension? I tried it, but magento booster doesn't show up in cache management section.
Class Rewrites shows up, but magento booster doesnt
I would suggest LestiFPC, a full page cache extension that is free from the Magento Extensions site. I have had no issues with this. Have run it on and now versions of Magento Community Edition. Why risk fooling around with a "shared" extension on your money site. Not worth the effort if a developer tracks you down. In a similar vain, you can get a onepagecheckout extension for free from this site:
I am still testing this and not sure if I will use it, however, its worth a look if you prefer this type of checkout process. I have no affiliation with either of these two companies so proceed at your own risk. As with all Magento extensions/mods, proceed on a development site first before you load on your live site.
Could be great if this ext. could be fixed
Could be great if this ext. could be fixed