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Hello People of BBHF!

I Encourage all BBHF members to POST Reviews of the Freely Downloaded Products!

At least 3-5 sentences where you mention stuff like:
  • What it is about
  • Is it new, rehashed or twisted info.
  • Is it useful, doable
  • Does it require additional expenses to make it work
  • Anything else...
As a reward, BBHF Mods will give you a Reviewer's Badge + in time, you might get upgraded to VIP for FREE!

Additionally, you will get + 5, + 3, +1 from all the members that care about this forum! There are a lot of PLENTY OF + REP

Agreed with you akinaKus :-)

Unfortunately there isn't news on - NEG REP

Time to bring it back too :p
Yeah...really...i vote for NEG REP to be back!
I try to do that with all the downloads. I do honest reviews sharing the nuggets of the reports, courses....and of course I like to advice about ilegal shits adsense terms violation system's etc....

The main problem is how to get reps to become a VIP? because I really want to upgrage my account but I'm out of money and when I post a review I don't get rep points so...any tip?

I'm working in my own review template because my review posts are always diferent and maybe this can be confuse.

Be sure that in the future i will dedicate 10 minutes oer day to give REP to all reviwers!

For inspiration, you can go back on my early posts and see how i was doing the reviews...i think they were informative (coz i got a s#it load of REP for that)
(12-09-2013 01:48 AM)projecte1 Wrote: [ -> ]wooow!
I try to do that with all the downloads. I do honest reviews sharing the nuggets of the reports, courses....and of course I like to advice about ilegal shits adsense terms violation system's etc....

The main problem is how to get reps to become a VIP? because I really want to upgrage my account but I'm out of money and when I post a review I don't get rep points so...any tip?

I'm working in my own review template because my review posts are always diferent and maybe this can be confuse.

I want to share my reviews !

But unfortunately My english isn't good :(
Loka Br! You can too

My english is horrible the moment, If you know how to say: it's about _____ and its a BullSh*t you have enought english skills to do reviews hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

ok aKinaKus, Checking your posts :)
The problem is that this is only your opinion. The mods are not active in the forum. I'm interested to get the Reviewer's Badge if possible.

I have posted several reviews about some WSOs and fake WSOs and so far there is no reviewer badge :(
(12-09-2013 02:13 AM)projecte1 Wrote: [ -> ]Loka Br! You can too

My english is horrible the moment, If you know how to say: it's about _____ and its a BullSh*t you have enought english skills to do reviews hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

ok aKinaKus, Checking your posts :)
Biggrin Biggrin Thanks buddy

I will give it a try and see if I can get the reviewer's badge and why not upgraded to VIP Lol
(12-09-2013 02:33 AM)Leith Aka Moon God of SEO Wrote: [ -> ]The problem is that this is only your opinion. The mods are not active in the forum. I'm interested to get the Reviewer's Badge if possible.

I have posted several reviews about some WSOs and fake WSOs and so far there is no reviewer badge :(

I know of a 4 separate cases where peolpe got the badges after a certain numbers of reviews. The mods are not counting the reviews..but they ocasionally look at "rising stars" and check their posts and then issue them the badge if they deserve it.

maybe you did not catch the "update" yet! :)
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