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Full Version: [GET] [HOT COPY TEMPLATE] Your very own "plug and play" sales letter template?
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Pages: 1 2
Thanks for share.

Not sure what all is in the zip, but here is another file from same guy:

Thanks OP and Justanumber!

I write copy and this guy is above average - surprising to find these days.
thanks a bunch
It looks like all the links on this thread are currently dead. I am getting 500 Internal Server Error errors.
Thanks to OP for the share but his links no more working "Internal Server Error"
You will find "1163" links working fine. 5-reps for that mate and much respect for your new aAvata too.
Here you go dudes and dudettes!

I uploaded everything I got and some of it is duplicated in the big RAR file. I know this already, but did not want to waste time. There was some crap on the site I did not download, but this is the good stuff x 2.

\\Review: This is some pretty good sales letter copywriting stuff + examples.//

AIO Mirror:
Magic Button :

And yes - reps are always cool with me!
Anyone still have this? A reupload would be highly appreciated!
Pages: 1 2
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