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Full Version: I want to get HMA need 2 more people
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Hey i want to buy hma now there is discount one year just $ 59.99, if there is anyone interested please pm i just need 2 more at $20.00 bucks each including me..
Is this for HMA Pro? If so, I'd be interested.
You mean Michael Senoff program?+
I am interested too
yes this is for the PRO here is the sale page

hidemyass (dot) com/vpn/

now i dot know if multiple users can log in at the same time form different locations..

but review it and let me know.
thanks guys
I'm not interested in joining the group buy since I already have my own subscription, but I can confirm you can use it on 2 computers at the same time, not 3. You can install it on every computer you own or VPS you use, but you can only run 2 instances at the same time.
hey Verminator, thanks for your information i guess only two then.
HMA is the best VPN! Highly recommended... Smile
So basically you can only have 1 other person join you on this. I'm still interested if you want to do it. But if there are more than 2, then I think another 2 can do another separate subscription.
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