11-30-2013, 03:06 PM
Are You Seeking A Dramatic Change In Life, For The Better?
![[Image: jnlp-headline1.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline1.jpg)
Learn How Neuro-Linguistic Programming Can Bring You A Richer, Fuller Life With This Ultimate, Groundbreaking and Zero-Risk Resource!
![[Image: GregFrostsmall.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/GregFrostsmall.jpg)
From: Greg Frost
Date: 29 Nov 2013
Dear Success Seeker,
Are you dissatisfied with how your life is turning out?
Does it bother you that you have no clue as to why some people are able to find success easier than others are able to?
Do you find yourself yearning to have a success story of your own like so many you’ve heard about all your life?
If you've answered yes to any or all of the above questions, then this may be the most important letter you will ever read in your life.
Fact of the matter is: You're not alone in wanting a better life for yourself.
Right now, there are millions of people out there who crave for something more in their lives, but try as they might to break out of this cycle, they’re helplessly going through endless cycles of failure.
Why is this so?
![[Image: jnlp-headline2.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline2.jpg)
The fact is this: The human psyche plays a large part in our chances for success.
You’ve probably heard this (or a variant of it) a thousand times: The average human being uses less than 10% (Einstein estimates it to be about 5%) of their brain consciously at any given time.
That leaves a lot of unused potential.
But it isn’t just unused potential, it’s undiscovered potential.
Despite huge advancements in technology, scientists are still baffled as to how the human mind really works.
There are still mysteries of the mind that have yet to be discovered.
However, what has been discovered is the fact that people are in fact chameleons.
I don’t mean literally, of course.
![[Image: jnlp-headline3.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline3.jpg)
No one wants to be a misfit in any sense of the word.
Unfortunately, most people tend to go about it the wrong way.
Think about it.
As a child, when the seeds of ambitions were first planted within your mind, whom did you look up to?
Chances are, you tried to emulate the person you admired, and this could be your parents, or even a role model that wasn’t from your immediate family.
Did you have ambitions of becoming an astronaut?
Did you want to become a popular movie star?
Did you dream of becoming a rock star who was idolized by millions?
Whatever the case, you would have found yourself wishing that you could be more like the person you admired.
Even if it was the smallest, most subtle of things, you took on certain traits and behavioral patterns of the role model, believing that it would get you one step closer to living out your dream.
(I know a guy who looked up to Elvis as a child and wanted to be just like him, and thirty years later he still says “thank you” in “The King’s” trademark mumble.)
Of course, as you matured you probably got a reality check (or someone might have told you to grow up), and you eventually gave up on your childhood dreams.
But the dreaming didn’t exactly stop there, did it?
You realize that you’ve been overambitious, so you adjust your dreams and expectations to a more realistic level.
So you think, “I should concentrate on what I’m good at.”
![[Image: jnlp-headline4.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline4.jpg)
So you end up settling for less.
Sound familiar?
You end up frustrated that things keep blowing up in your face, and you look around, trying to figure out why the brown-nosing guy who’s only been around for 6 months ended up with the promotion you’ve been working for months, or even years, to get.
The promotion that you believe YOU rightfully deserve.
Why should good, honest, hard working people like you be held back by those who cut corners and suck up to the right people?
It’s unfair.
What does the guy have that you don’t?
You don’t know.
You have no clue as to what you lack, and you begin to lose faith in yourself.
You start to think that perhaps you’re just not cut out for success.
Here’s a newsflash for you: You’re wrong!
![[Image: jnlp-headline5.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline5.jpg)
That’s where most people tend to go wrong.
They think that as long as they work hard and keep going a certain direction, they will reach the top of the mountain.
They think that hard work guarantees success.
What they don’t know, what YOU don’t know for that matter, is the fact that you could be headed in the wrong direction.
You could be channeling your energy into something unproductive, and you’d totally clueless about it.
It infuriates you when it turns out that everything you’ve done was a waste of time.
Isn’t it frustrating?
![[Image: jnlp-headline6.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline6.jpg)
I’m telling you right now that achieving success in your life, in whatever aspect you choose, is entirely possible.
But working hard is not enough to get you to the top.
Contrary to what you've been taught all your life, you can slog away all you want, but if you don’t have the right formula for success then you can never hope to achieve what you want out of life.
You have to work smart.
Remember how I mentioned people tend to emulate others?
That’s the key to breaking the code to success right there.
The secret, however, is to emulate the right role model.
![[Image: jnlp-headline7.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline7.jpg)
The secret formula for success, my friend, lies in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP for short.
What exactly is NLP?
NLP is a revolutionary system that allows you redefine yourself by using other people as the blueprint to a new you.
It isn’t as simple as copying ALL the traits of the person you look up to.
In order for NLP to be effective, in order for you to be successful, you need to model yourself after the right people, the successful people, and emulate only their superior behavioral and linguistic prowess.
If you haven’t already noticed, the most successful people, the most admired people, are the ones who are confident, able to speak well and persuade others using merely their words.
The moment a person comes across as being articulate, they are assumed to be intelligent, respectable, and trustworthy.
![[Image: jnlp-headline8.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline8.jpg)
Imagine having the power to blend your thoughts, actions, and emotions into one cohesive driving force that is guaranteed to bring you success in everything that you do.
What if you could replicate someone else’s success formula and turn it into your own?
What would you do if you had the power to do everything you love in life?
Would you spend more time with your loved ones?
Would you go on exotic expeditions or holidays as many times as you can afford to every year?
You can achieve all this and still provide the best for your loved ones the moment you break the code and decipher the secrets to success with NLP.
If success has eluded you all your life, then it is time for you to take charge and change your destiny to one that you have always dreamed of, but for some reason could not achieve.
This resource is the one thing that you will ever need to jumpstart a better life for yourself and your loved ones.
Here are just some of what you'll learn from the Jumpstart NLP Course:
Insider secrets on how NLP will change your perception and gear your mind towards success (secrets that even self-help gurus don’t reveal, because these secrets will put them out of business!)
The no-brainer NLP strategy to eliminate stress entirely
How NLP can be used as a manipulation tool (be careful that you don’t abuse this powerful strategy as it will bring you scorn amongst your peers if they find out what you’re doing!)
The secret rules to resolving conflict between different elements of your life - and force them instead to work in synchrony to produce success in everything that you do
What NLP experts do to force out negative influences from their past in order to effect change (a masterful technique that can bring about lifelong change and success)
How NLP has helped bodybuilding enthusiasts to enhance their physical performance (most people aren’t even aware of the fact that NLP can do this!)
Novel ways of making money with NLP or applying specific strategies in business (NLP enhances not only your mind and body, but your wallet as well!)
This is one resource that you absolutely cannot afford to pass up.
Let’s face it: If you’ve taken the time to read everything up to this point, your life is running out of steam, if it hasn’t already stalled.
It’s time for you to jumpstart a better life for yourself and your loved ones.
Introducing the...
![[Image: jnlp-headline9.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline9.jpg)
![[Image: jumpstartcompilation.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jumpstartcompilation.jpg)
![[Image: bonus1.gif]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/bonus1.gif)
![[Image: emotionalselfmastery.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/emotionalselfmastery.jpg)
Emotional Self Mastery Manual
Get What You Want By Commanding Emotions
The Emotional Self Mastery is a detailed manual showing you how to master full control of your own emotions to get ahead in life. Feeling depressed, angry, frustrated, or unmotivated? Suffer no longer as you can now choose the emotion you want and get it as easily as snapping your fingers.
You'll discover:![[Image: bonus2.gif]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/bonus2.gif)
Unspoken Words
Reading and Making Body Movements
For Maximum Success
Imagine being able to decode people's inner feelings and emotions just by noticing their body movements. Use this knowledge to suceeed in your career, relationships and personal life!
In the Unspoken Words manual, you'll learn:![[Image: jnlp-headline12.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline12.jpg)
The Jumpstart NLP will teach you NLP techniques to model yourself after immensely successful people, to adopt habits and methods that will put you at a tremendous advantage over others in life.
It's painfully obvious that this special package could very well retail for $97. Especially when each subliminal cd costing at least $15.95 each.
And Today, I've decided to offer you the entire package at the ridiculously affordable, limited time trial offer price of just $97 $1*!
But I'm only having this trial offer for a limited time. So you might want to decide this very minute and make your purchase.
I'm only offering this course at the special price of $1.00* for fast action-takers, who know what they want out of life and dare to take action to change their lives for the better.
It's my way of rewarding those brave enough to meet life's challenges head on.
But I understand your skepticism.
You've gone through endless cycles of failures that you don't want to risk it when trying something new.
Let me make you a deal.
Try the entire Jumpstart NLP course for a full 60 days. If you're not completely satisfied with the course within those 60 days, contact me, and I'll give you a full refund of your investment.
You have absolutely nothing to worry about, because you're covered by my 60-Day, No Questions Asked, 100% Money Back Guarantee.
![[Image: certificate.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/certificate.jpg)
If for any reason you find that Jumpstart NLP is not suitable for you, or if you don't find your life transforming in amazing ways within 60 days, I want you to contact me for a full refund.
I don't deserve your money if my course can't help you achieve the success you deserve.
Remember, I'm bearing all the risk for your investment.
![[Image: jnlp-headline13.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline13.jpg)
The question now becomes; Are you going to wait to access this incredible, life changing tool... or... will you "grab the bull by the horns" and get your course today?
You need to take charge of your life.
You need to take action.
You have in you the ability to change your destiny and achieve massive success. All you need to do is to unlock this ability through the use of NLP.
Imagine... living life on your own terms... traveling... relaxing... achieving... really living!
That's what this letter is all about... YOUR life... YOUR reality... YOUR happiness!
What you face and experience every day can change this very moment starting with the decision that you make right now!
So make the right choice, and change your life today.
![[Image: newcompilation.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/newcompilation.jpg)
Wishing You Tremendous Success,
![[Image: GregFrostsmall.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/GregFrostsmall.jpg)
Creator of The Jumpstart NLP Course
P.S Do note that the almost ridiculously rock-bottom trial offer price of $1.00 only works for a limited time. After which I'll be raising the price to $97 or even more. Take advantage right now.
P.P.S Remember, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain with our 60-Days money back guarantee. Even if you decide to refund within the 60 day time period, the "Jumpstart NLP " manual and the downloadable cds are yours to keep for your trouble. It's my way of saying "thanks" for giving it a try.
P.P.P.S Take charge of your life right now. Success will not come falling onto your lap just like that. You need to take action, and you can start by today.
![[Image: jnlp-headline1.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline1.jpg)
Learn How Neuro-Linguistic Programming Can Bring You A Richer, Fuller Life With This Ultimate, Groundbreaking and Zero-Risk Resource!
![[Image: GregFrostsmall.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/GregFrostsmall.jpg)
From: Greg Frost
Date: 29 Nov 2013
Dear Success Seeker,
Are you dissatisfied with how your life is turning out?
Does it bother you that you have no clue as to why some people are able to find success easier than others are able to?
Do you find yourself yearning to have a success story of your own like so many you’ve heard about all your life?
If you've answered yes to any or all of the above questions, then this may be the most important letter you will ever read in your life.
Fact of the matter is: You're not alone in wanting a better life for yourself.
Right now, there are millions of people out there who crave for something more in their lives, but try as they might to break out of this cycle, they’re helplessly going through endless cycles of failure.
Why is this so?
![[Image: jnlp-headline2.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline2.jpg)
The fact is this: The human psyche plays a large part in our chances for success.
You’ve probably heard this (or a variant of it) a thousand times: The average human being uses less than 10% (Einstein estimates it to be about 5%) of their brain consciously at any given time.
That leaves a lot of unused potential.
But it isn’t just unused potential, it’s undiscovered potential.
Despite huge advancements in technology, scientists are still baffled as to how the human mind really works.
There are still mysteries of the mind that have yet to be discovered.
However, what has been discovered is the fact that people are in fact chameleons.
I don’t mean literally, of course.
![[Image: jnlp-headline3.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline3.jpg)
No one wants to be a misfit in any sense of the word.
Unfortunately, most people tend to go about it the wrong way.
Think about it.
As a child, when the seeds of ambitions were first planted within your mind, whom did you look up to?
Chances are, you tried to emulate the person you admired, and this could be your parents, or even a role model that wasn’t from your immediate family.
Did you have ambitions of becoming an astronaut?
Did you want to become a popular movie star?
Did you dream of becoming a rock star who was idolized by millions?
Whatever the case, you would have found yourself wishing that you could be more like the person you admired.
Even if it was the smallest, most subtle of things, you took on certain traits and behavioral patterns of the role model, believing that it would get you one step closer to living out your dream.
(I know a guy who looked up to Elvis as a child and wanted to be just like him, and thirty years later he still says “thank you” in “The King’s” trademark mumble.)
Of course, as you matured you probably got a reality check (or someone might have told you to grow up), and you eventually gave up on your childhood dreams.
But the dreaming didn’t exactly stop there, did it?
You realize that you’ve been overambitious, so you adjust your dreams and expectations to a more realistic level.
So you think, “I should concentrate on what I’m good at.”
![[Image: jnlp-headline4.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline4.jpg)
So you end up settling for less.
Sound familiar?
You end up frustrated that things keep blowing up in your face, and you look around, trying to figure out why the brown-nosing guy who’s only been around for 6 months ended up with the promotion you’ve been working for months, or even years, to get.
The promotion that you believe YOU rightfully deserve.
Why should good, honest, hard working people like you be held back by those who cut corners and suck up to the right people?
It’s unfair.
What does the guy have that you don’t?
You don’t know.
You have no clue as to what you lack, and you begin to lose faith in yourself.
You start to think that perhaps you’re just not cut out for success.
Here’s a newsflash for you: You’re wrong!
![[Image: jnlp-headline5.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline5.jpg)
That’s where most people tend to go wrong.
They think that as long as they work hard and keep going a certain direction, they will reach the top of the mountain.
They think that hard work guarantees success.
What they don’t know, what YOU don’t know for that matter, is the fact that you could be headed in the wrong direction.
You could be channeling your energy into something unproductive, and you’d totally clueless about it.
It infuriates you when it turns out that everything you’ve done was a waste of time.
Isn’t it frustrating?
![[Image: jnlp-headline6.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline6.jpg)
I’m telling you right now that achieving success in your life, in whatever aspect you choose, is entirely possible.
But working hard is not enough to get you to the top.
Contrary to what you've been taught all your life, you can slog away all you want, but if you don’t have the right formula for success then you can never hope to achieve what you want out of life.
You have to work smart.
Remember how I mentioned people tend to emulate others?
That’s the key to breaking the code to success right there.
The secret, however, is to emulate the right role model.
![[Image: jnlp-headline7.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline7.jpg)
The secret formula for success, my friend, lies in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP for short.
What exactly is NLP?
NLP is a revolutionary system that allows you redefine yourself by using other people as the blueprint to a new you.
It isn’t as simple as copying ALL the traits of the person you look up to.
In order for NLP to be effective, in order for you to be successful, you need to model yourself after the right people, the successful people, and emulate only their superior behavioral and linguistic prowess.
If you haven’t already noticed, the most successful people, the most admired people, are the ones who are confident, able to speak well and persuade others using merely their words.
The moment a person comes across as being articulate, they are assumed to be intelligent, respectable, and trustworthy.
![[Image: jnlp-headline8.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline8.jpg)
Imagine having the power to blend your thoughts, actions, and emotions into one cohesive driving force that is guaranteed to bring you success in everything that you do.
What if you could replicate someone else’s success formula and turn it into your own?
What would you do if you had the power to do everything you love in life?
Would you spend more time with your loved ones?
Would you go on exotic expeditions or holidays as many times as you can afford to every year?
You can achieve all this and still provide the best for your loved ones the moment you break the code and decipher the secrets to success with NLP.
If success has eluded you all your life, then it is time for you to take charge and change your destiny to one that you have always dreamed of, but for some reason could not achieve.
This resource is the one thing that you will ever need to jumpstart a better life for yourself and your loved ones.
Here are just some of what you'll learn from the Jumpstart NLP Course:
Insider secrets on how NLP will change your perception and gear your mind towards success (secrets that even self-help gurus don’t reveal, because these secrets will put them out of business!)
The no-brainer NLP strategy to eliminate stress entirely
How NLP can be used as a manipulation tool (be careful that you don’t abuse this powerful strategy as it will bring you scorn amongst your peers if they find out what you’re doing!)
The secret rules to resolving conflict between different elements of your life - and force them instead to work in synchrony to produce success in everything that you do
What NLP experts do to force out negative influences from their past in order to effect change (a masterful technique that can bring about lifelong change and success)
How NLP has helped bodybuilding enthusiasts to enhance their physical performance (most people aren’t even aware of the fact that NLP can do this!)
Novel ways of making money with NLP or applying specific strategies in business (NLP enhances not only your mind and body, but your wallet as well!)
This is one resource that you absolutely cannot afford to pass up.
Let’s face it: If you’ve taken the time to read everything up to this point, your life is running out of steam, if it hasn’t already stalled.
It’s time for you to jumpstart a better life for yourself and your loved ones.
Introducing the...
![[Image: jnlp-headline9.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline9.jpg)
![[Image: jumpstartcompilation.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jumpstartcompilation.jpg)
![[Image: bonus1.gif]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/bonus1.gif)
![[Image: emotionalselfmastery.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/emotionalselfmastery.jpg)
Emotional Self Mastery Manual
Get What You Want By Commanding Emotions
The Emotional Self Mastery is a detailed manual showing you how to master full control of your own emotions to get ahead in life. Feeling depressed, angry, frustrated, or unmotivated? Suffer no longer as you can now choose the emotion you want and get it as easily as snapping your fingers.
You'll discover:
- Does your emotion tend to get the better of you? I'll show you the one TRUE technique of "commanding" your emotions and never letting it affect you again (Unless you want it to that is...)
- Never have a "bad day" again! Here's how to never feel down and disappointed again even if your day isn't going well
- Think the Jedi Mind trick is just a work of fiction? Think again! Master the art of influencing other people without them being consciously aware of it (this method is so powerful it's been banned from mainstream publishings)
- Need a quick cheering up? Use this secret technique to instantly give yourself a happiness boost whenever you need to perk yourself up (This is priceless!)
- The #1 secret to empowering your mind so that it an control your will
- The most controversial mind control secret known to man! Hidden techniques of brainwashing that you never knew - and how to actually use them to your advantage
- Fast methods of attaining calmness as exhibited by expert negotiators in hostage situations (As taught in the police force...)
- And much much more...
![[Image: bonus2.gif]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/bonus2.gif)
Unspoken Words
Reading and Making Body Movements
For Maximum Success
![[Image: unspokenwords.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/unspokenwords.jpg)
Imagine being able to decode people's inner feelings and emotions just by noticing their body movements. Use this knowledge to suceeed in your career, relationships and personal life!
In the Unspoken Words manual, you'll learn:
- The secret technique of knowing what others are thinking just from their body movement (these are the same exact methods taught by the CIA and other law enforcement agencies)
- Interrogation professional reveals it all! Learn this covert method to immediately know when someone is keeping a secret from you - And how you can actually manipulate the situation to have the person disclose the secret
- Check out these 3 simple methods you can use instantly to have people like and trust you (Great for the workplace and for when you're trying to snag a date)
- Ancient secrets of projecting confidence and dominance when you need people to listen to you
- Build rapport and eliminate any hostile reactions from others (easily diffuse ANY situation with these secrets)
- And a whole ton more...
![[Image: jnlp-headline12.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline12.jpg)
The Jumpstart NLP will teach you NLP techniques to model yourself after immensely successful people, to adopt habits and methods that will put you at a tremendous advantage over others in life.
It's painfully obvious that this special package could very well retail for $97. Especially when each subliminal cd costing at least $15.95 each.
And Today, I've decided to offer you the entire package at the ridiculously affordable, limited time trial offer price of just $97 $1*!
But I'm only having this trial offer for a limited time. So you might want to decide this very minute and make your purchase.
I'm only offering this course at the special price of $1.00* for fast action-takers, who know what they want out of life and dare to take action to change their lives for the better.
It's my way of rewarding those brave enough to meet life's challenges head on.
But I understand your skepticism.
You've gone through endless cycles of failures that you don't want to risk it when trying something new.
Let me make you a deal.
Try the entire Jumpstart NLP course for a full 60 days. If you're not completely satisfied with the course within those 60 days, contact me, and I'll give you a full refund of your investment.
You have absolutely nothing to worry about, because you're covered by my 60-Day, No Questions Asked, 100% Money Back Guarantee.
![[Image: certificate.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/certificate.jpg)
If for any reason you find that Jumpstart NLP is not suitable for you, or if you don't find your life transforming in amazing ways within 60 days, I want you to contact me for a full refund.
I don't deserve your money if my course can't help you achieve the success you deserve.
Remember, I'm bearing all the risk for your investment.
![[Image: jnlp-headline13.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/jnlp-headline13.jpg)
The question now becomes; Are you going to wait to access this incredible, life changing tool... or... will you "grab the bull by the horns" and get your course today?
You need to take charge of your life.
You need to take action.
You have in you the ability to change your destiny and achieve massive success. All you need to do is to unlock this ability through the use of NLP.
Imagine... living life on your own terms... traveling... relaxing... achieving... really living!
That's what this letter is all about... YOUR life... YOUR reality... YOUR happiness!
What you face and experience every day can change this very moment starting with the decision that you make right now!
So make the right choice, and change your life today.
![[Image: newcompilation.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/newcompilation.jpg)
Wishing You Tremendous Success,
![[Image: GregFrostsmall.jpg]](http://www.jumpstartnlp.com/images/GregFrostsmall.jpg)
Creator of The Jumpstart NLP Course
P.S Do note that the almost ridiculously rock-bottom trial offer price of $1.00 only works for a limited time. After which I'll be raising the price to $97 or even more. Take advantage right now.
P.P.S Remember, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain with our 60-Days money back guarantee. Even if you decide to refund within the 60 day time period, the "Jumpstart NLP " manual and the downloadable cds are yours to keep for your trouble. It's my way of saying "thanks" for giving it a try.
P.P.P.S Take charge of your life right now. Success will not come falling onto your lap just like that. You need to take action, and you can start by today.
Direct Download
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